Donor Recognition
We are grateful for what our supporters and donors have done for our community and we can’t wait to see what the future brings us.
Thank you to all of our supporters who have donated to the YMCA of Greater Indianapolis over the years
With our supporters donations and sponsorships the YMCA has been able to provide ample opportunities for our communities’ families and their children. Without their support we would not be able to provide for our community like we do.
The YMCA is a not-for-profit, four-star Charity Navigator organization. We put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all. When you give to the Y, you’re doing your part to strengthen our community. A strong community is good for everyone.
The Triangle Society is a giving society comprised of generous supporters who donate a total of $5,000 or more over three years to the YMCA Annual Campaign. These multi-year commitments raise the philanthropic standing of the YMCA in Central Indiana so the Y can better support active and healthier lives for all people in our diverse community.
Heritage Club is an organization of people who have demonstrated their long-term interest and support of the YMCA of Greater Indianapolis by either a direct contribution to the Endowment Fund or by including the YMCA in their estate plans. The Club’s purpose is to encourage thoughtful gifts as a primary means of building a strong endowment capable of providing lasting support for the YMCA’s mission and to recognize members whose leadership, service and devotion to the YMCA have created this heritage.
- A Place to Float
- A&H Athletic Floor Services, INC.
- Aaron and Abby Waeiss
- Aaron and Amanda Berkey
- Aaron and Amanda Berkey
- Aaron and Amy Richardson
- Aaron Kohn
- Aaron Phillips
- Abby & Aaron Waeiss
- Abby Bartley
- Abigail Corbly
- Abigail Crouch
- Ace & Beth Yakey
- Ace Yakey
- Acorn Distributors
- Acorn Distributors
- Acton Elementary PTO
- Adam & Amanda Moore
- Adam and Jan Arnold
- Adam Clevenger
- Adam Coffman
- Adam D Bauer
- Adam Falkosky
- Adam L. Clevenger & Jessica L. Trimble
- Adam Miller
- Adam Miner
- Adam Pleva
- Adam Shoemaker
- Adam Troelstra
- Adam Troelstra
- Adobe Inc.
- Adreinne McCollister
- Adrianne & Matthew Steward
- Adrianne Steward
- Adrienne E. Preddie
- Adrienne Marmillion
- AECOM Hunt
- AECOM Hunt
- Aged Out Brothers
- Aidan Hamilton
- Aileen Kruse
- Aimee Coonfield
- airWorx Construction Equipment
- Aj Dodds
- Akela Green
- Alaina Horn
- Alaina Horn
- Alan & Deborah Rasper
- Alan and Marcia Wilhoite
- Alan Coltrain
- Alan Coltrain
- Alan Johnson
- Alan Madewell
- Alan Rowland
- Alan Rowland
- Albert & Janet Allaby
- Albert & Janet Allaby
- Albert & Janet Allaby
- Alberta Irons
- Alek & Liz Boskovich
- Alex & Audra Will
- Alex Gude
- Alex Knight
- Alex Levy
- Alex Van Winkle
- Alexa Hart
- Alexander Kor
- Alexandria Peterson
- Alexandria Reel
- Ali and Clayton Cook Fund
- Ali and Clayton Cook Fund
- Ali Shepherd
- Alice L Mains
- Alice Susemichel
- Alice Watson
- Alice Weber
- Alisa Kuehn
- Alison Hanscom
- Alka Kapur
- All Terrain Landscape & Snow Management
- All Terrain Landscape & Snow Mangaement
- Allan C. Seefeldt
- Allan Chandler
- Allayna Davis
- Allegion
- Allen & Jane Milburn
- Allen & Jane Milburn
- Allen & Jane Milburn
- Allen & Yvonne Culpepper
- Allen Bourff
- Allen Culpepper
- Allied Equipment
- Allied Equipment Service Corporation
- Allison Coburn
- Allison Elizabeth Coburn
- Allison Moll
- Allison Young
- Allsion Crow
- Ally Accounting
- Ally Accounting
- Alpha Home
- Altenheim Family-First Senior Living from CarDon
- Amanda Barton
- Amanda Bishop
- Amanda Erschen
- Amanda McCoy-Collins
- Amanda Ribordy
- Amanda Ripley
- Amanda Satterthwaite
- Amanda Wright
- Amara Khajenouri
- Amber Audrain
- Amber Beasley
- Amber Collins-Gebrehiwet
- Amber Collins-Gebrehiwet
- Amber Dye
- Amber M. Cook
- Amber Miller
- Amber Miller
- Amber Robertson
- Amber Welsh
- Amber Welsh
- Ambrose Property Group, LLC
- Ambrose Property Group, LLC
- Ambur Beasley
- American Dairy Association Indiana Inc.
- American Dairy Association Indiana Inc.
- American Equity Investment Life Insurance Company
- American Legion Lowell Beaver Post 470
- American Senior Communities
- AMG Engineering & Machining, Inc.
- Amiee Woodrow
- Amy and Joe Paszek
- Amy Baggott
- Amy Chandler
- Amy Chandler
- Amy Ewing
- Amy Farris
- Amy Levander
- Amy Marckese-Braun
- Amy Maroney
- Amy Maroney
- Amy May
- Amy Panetta
- Amy Panetta
- Amy Petrone
- Amy Petrone
- Amy Sarkar
- Amy Urbanski
- Ana Deluna
- Anderson and Debra White
- Andi Guess
- Andie Geisking
- Andre Carson
- Andrea Christopher
- Andrea Morelli
- Andrea Needham
- Andrea Scott
- Andrea Scott
- Andrea Ziegler
- Andrew & Susan Buroker
- Andrew Bergman
- Andrew Hayenga
- Andrew Hayenga & Debra Des Vignes
- Andrew Kashman
- Andrew Kocher
- Andrew Reedy
- Andrew-Jeremiah Stiles
- Andy & Debie Zeese
- Andy Grigley
- Andy Millikan
- Anette Farmer
- Anette Farmer
- Angela & Jason Bratina
- Angela Bratina
- Angela Breedlove
- Angela C. Hale
- Angela Hale
- Angela Kesterson
- Angela Kesterson
- Angela Mahaffey
- Angela Milby
- Angela Quiett
- Angela Quiett
- Angelica Reese
- Angie Boarman
- Anita and August Hardee II
- Ann & Tom Remlinger
- Ann D. Luther
- Ann Dickinson
- Ann Dickinson
- Ann Kaminski
- Ann Kaminski
- Ann Kincaid
- Ann Kincaid
- Ann M. McGrath
- Ann Metzger
- Ann Niednagel
- Ann Panetti
- Ann Varner
- Ann Varner
- Ann W. Kieffer
- Anna Bergmann
- Anna Bergmann
- Anna Buttgen
- Anna Cross
- Anna Edwards
- Anna Emhardt
- Anna M. Nelson
- Anna McLaughlin
- Anna Scott
- Anna Thackery
- Annabella McGinley-King
- Anne DeReu
- Anne Hepler
- Anne Lewis
- Anne O'Connor
- Anne P. Polk
- Anne Polk
- Anne Utz
- Anne Wolf
- Annette Johnson
- Annie Schmelzer
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous (in honor of Jalen Owens)
- Anthony Norris
- Anthony Norris
- Antioch Church of the Y
- Antioch Church of the Y
- Antoinette Layer
- Antonio Williams
- Apple Electric
- Apple Electric
- Approved Mortgage Corp.
- Arch Hawkins & Becky McClure
- Ariana Arias-Trotz
- Arlington Place Health Care
- Armando Espinoza
- Armando Espinoza
- Art & Liz Harnack
- Art Peterson
- Art Potter
- Arthur & Joy Wehrmeister
- Arthur Hill
- Arthur Hill
- Arthur Jordan Foundation
- Arthur Rowley Jr.
- Arthur Rowley, Jr.
- Ashleigh Coster
- Ashley Chitwood
- Ashley D Boffo
- Ashley Starling
- Ashley Tandy
- Ashley Tandy
- Ashley Turkowski
- Ashley Vukovits
- Ashwin & Sonal Ravichandran
- Associated Drywall Partners
- Associated Drywall Partners, LLC
- Asyane Braxton
- At Home Health Equipment
- Audra Yovanovich
- Audrey Stonerock
- Audrey Stonerock
- August & Anita Hardee
- Augustus & Cynthia Levengood
- Aunt Myrt Broadney
- Austin Boling
- Austin Taylor
- Auto Outfitters
- Auto Outfitters
- Automatic Door & Window
- Automne Reinbold
- Autumn Reinbold
- Avalon Wealth Advisory
- Axia Women's Health
- Azzip Pizza
- BackSwing Golf Events
- Bagoffishstixs
- Bailee Belcher
- Bailey Family Dental
- Bandy Services LLC
- Bank Of America
- Barb and Thomas Stayton
- Barb Ellsworth
- Barb Waugh
- Barb Waugh in Memory of James Waugh
- Barbara Austin
- Barbara Davis
- Barbara Hasbrook
- Barbara Lingle
- Barbara McGriff
- Barbara S Wynne
- Barbara Saberson
- Barbara Schultz
- Barbara Wilder
- Barnes & Thornburg LLP - Joe Eaton
- Bart & Dorinda York
- Bart & Dorinda York
- Bart & Dorinda York
- Bart & Dorinda York
- Bartlett Insurance Services LLP
- Beacon Builders LLC
- Beam, Longest & Neff, LLC
- Beam, Longest & Neff, LLC
- Beatrice & Cato Cork
- Beautycounter by Candyce
- Beck Service Center
- Beck Service Center
- Becki Maranto
- Becknell Industrial Properties
- Becky Gault
- Beloved Community Co-op
- Ben Jafari
- Ben Miller
- Ben Myers
- Benjamin Baum in Memory of JB Watson
- Benjamin Copl
- Benjamin H. Rapp
- Bequest through will or trust
- Berkley W. Duck
- Bernadette Mast
- Bernard Wharton
- Bertha
- Best One of Indy
- Bestest Auntie
- Beth & Tom Gehlhausen
- Beth Gelfius
- Beth Gelfius
- Beth Gootee
- Beth Gootee
- Beth Gregory
- Beth Standlee in Memory of Cathy Kelley
- Beth White
- Beth White
- Bethany Hair
- Betsy Morse
- Beverly A. Taylor
- Beverly Rivera Screenprinting
- Bill & Cori Korn
- Bill & Jo Ellen Buffie
- Bill & Melinda Nieman
- Bill & Michele Strack
- Bill & Mindy Bodine
- Bill & Mindy Bodine
- Bill & Paivi Blanchard
- Bill & Paivi Blanchard
- Bill and Cindy Herman
- Bill and Jennifer Brady
- Bill Brooks
- Bill Lorah
- Bill McLane
- Bill McLane
- Bill Meserve
- Bill Meserve
- Bill Neal
- Bill Orme
- Bill Patterson
- Bill Powers
- Bill Wortman
- Billie Federspiel
- Billy & Laura Roush
- Bisher Family
- BJ's Restaurants, Inc.
- BJ's Wholesale Club
- Blackbaud
- Blackbaud
- Blane Dodson
- Bliss Nutrition
- Blue Butterfly
- Bo & Mary Walker
- Bo & Mary Walker
- Bo & Mary Walker
- Bo Keyes
- Bob & Cheri Gudgel
- Bob & Darcy Griffin
- Bob & Deb Fersch
- Bob & Debbie Whitman
- Bob & Kathi Postlethwait
- Bob and Anne Wurtz
- Bob Rose
- Bob Shaw Lock & Key
- Bob Shaw Lock & Key
- Bob Tidd
- Bobbi Davis
- Bobby and Sarah Thomas
- Bobby J. Ceselsky
- Bonnie Fleming, The Fleming Fund
- Bonnie LaClave
- Boone County REMC
- Boone County REMC
- Borshoff Marketing Group
- Bose Public Affairs Group
- Bouton Family
- Bowen Engineering Corporation
- Bracy R. Ledford
- Brad & Brooke Vogelsmeier
- Brad & Terri Warnecke
- Brad and Terri Warnecke
- Brad Koster
- Brad Schaeffer
- Brad Schaeffer
- Bradley DeRome
- Brande L. Yaist
- Brande Yaist
- Brandi Janai N. Carter
- Brandon Brown
- Brandon Connaway
- Brandon Morgan
- Brandon Morgan
- Brandon Thornburg
- Brandon Thornburg
- Brenda Dove
- Brenda Hernandez
- Brenda Hernandez
- Brenda Knox
- Brenda Knox
- Brenda Miller
- Brenda Owens
- Brendan & Jessica Murphy
- Brent Borg
- Brent C. Warnecke
- Brent Warnecke
- Bret and Kim Sperry
- Brett & Shari Bayston
- Brett & Shari Bayston
- Brett & Shari Bayston
- Brian & Carla White
- Brian & Pam Keel
- Brian and Adrienne Shadday
- Brian and Jill Hall
- Brian and Nikki Rosswurm
- Brian Cholewa & Jennifer Williams
- Brian Fedje
- Brian Harrington
- Brian Harrington
- Brian Keyes
- Brian Kochheiser
- Brian Linder
- Brian Linder
- Brian Nash
- Brian Nash
- Brian Shelley
- Brian Shelley
- Brian Smith
- Brian Spencer
- Brianna Towns
- Brianna Towns
- Brigitte Collier
- Brigitte Collier
- Brittany Miller
- Brittney A. Herman
- Brittney Herman
- Brooke Hubler Haines
- Brooke Lamb
- Brooke Lamb
- Broyles Kight & Ricafort, PC
- Bruce Glor
- Bruce Jones
- Bryan Fluke
- Bryan Fluke
- Bryan Spencer
- Buckingham Foundation
- Buckingham Foundation
- Buckingham Realty & Development
- Buddenbaum & Moore LLC
- Buddenbaum & Moore LLC
- Burger King
- Busey Bank
- Butler Fairman & Seufert Civil Engineers
- Butler Fairman & Seufert Civil Engineers
- Butler Fairman & Seufert Civil Engineers
- Butler, Fairman & Seufert, Inc.
- Byron & Peggy Myers
- Byron & Peggy Myers
- Byron & Peggy Myers
- Byron Smith Jr
- Byron Smith Jr.
- C.B. McConnell
- Caitlin Cicholski
- Caitlin Cicholski
- Caitlin Fledderman
- Caitlin Macmillan
- Caity Fledderman
- Caleb Chandler
- Calogera S Casey
- Calvin Hultquist
- Camacho Equipment & Janitorial Supply, Inc
- Cameron Williams
- Camille Hill
- Camilo Colonia
- Camp Bow Wow Lawrence
- Camper Noah McNamara
- Candice P. Lange
- Capital Group Co Charitable Foundation
- Cara Passaro
- Cara Scott
- CarDon & Associates
- Carey Bottom
- Carey Obye
- Carey Obye
- Carl and Loui Lord Nelson
- Carla Hernandez
- Carla Johnson
- Carla Johnson
- Carla McDaniel
- Carla Williamson
- Carman Kercher
- Carmel Road Racing Group, LLC
- Carmel Road Racing Group, LLC
- Carmen Martinez
- Carmen Nunez
- Carmen Nunez
- Carmen Perez
- Carol & Chris Fread
- Carol & Ken Kettler
- Carol and Chris Fread
- Carol Battistini
- Carol L. Ripley
- Carol Mihalik
- Carol Mihalik
- Carol Ripley
- Carol Slazyk
- Carol Taylor
- Carol Vogt
- Carol Wade
- Carole Bull
- Caroline Gredler
- Carolyn Mattingly
- Carolyn Mattingly
- Carolyn Naumovich
- Carolyn Naumovich
- Carolyn Richardson
- Carpenter Realtors
- Carpenter Realtors
- Carrie Daniel
- Carrie Larrison
- Carrie Lowe
- Carrie Powers Russell
- Carson Shadowen
- Cary Craciunoiu
- Cassandra Armes
- Cassandra Oberkrom
- Cassandra Oberkrom
- Cassandra Tomes
- Cassandra Zeider
- Cassidy Fendel
- Cassie Rumple
- Cassie Rumple
- Cassondra Revilla
- Cathedral Women Christ Church Cathedral
- Catherine and Kurt Bartley
- Catherine Ehlhardt
- Catherine Ehlhardt
- Catherine Eifrig
- Catherine Herrold
- Catherine Herrold
- Cathleen Hamilton
- Cathleen Hamilton
- Cathryn Lasley
- Cathy Ann Bickle
- Cathy Bickle
- Cathy M. Hinkle
- Cathy Ramsey
- Cathy Rogers
- Cathy Rogers
- Cathy Rudy
- Cecil & Aurelia Dillon
- Cecilia Coble
- Cecilia Coble Family
- Cecily Taylor
- Cecily Taylor
- Celisse Morris-Miller
- Center for Vein Restoration
- Central Indiana Community Foundation (CICF)
- Central Indiana Orthopedics
- Central Indiana Orthopedics
- Central Indiana Senior Fund, a CICF Fund
- Chad Funk
- Chad Hamma
- Chad Herrenbruck
- Chad Purviance
- Chad Spurrier
- Chad Walker
- Chad Walker
- Chandra DiRosaria
- Charise Shoffner
- Charise Shoffner
- Charlene & Larry Butcher
- Charles and Betty Skowronek
- Charles and Lori Grandy
- Charles Anderson
- Charles J. Lynn
- Charles McGrew
- Charles McKinney
- Charles Phelps
- Charles Schwab
- Charles Taliercio
- Charlie and Lori Grandy in Memory of Camille Hill
- Charlie Louis Austin
- Charlie Warner
- Charlie Warner
- Charlotte Arkush
- Charlotte Gretter
- Charlotte Roberts
- Chas VanBuskirk
- Chase Nash
- Chasney Suckovich in Memory of Moli Hall
- Chef Suzanne Catering
- Chelsea Walls
- Chelsy and Mark Winters
- Chelsy K. Winters
- Cherissa Castellino
- Cheryl A White
- Cheryl E. & Rodney D. Watson
- Cheryl E. & Rodney D. Watson
- Cheryl E. Watson
- Cheryl Gates
- Cheryl Gates
- Cheryl Ingram
- Cheryl McLaughlin
- Cheryl Strain
- Cheryl Watson
- Cheryl White
- Cheryl Williams
- Chevron
- Chick-fil-A - Avon
- Chick-fil-A Avon
- Chip and Wendy Muston
- Chris & Chris Fedor
- Chris & Jill Burns
- Chris & Tracy Butler
- Chris & Tracy Butler
- Chris & Tracy Butler Family
- Chris and Jill Burns
- Chris Ash
- Chris Banta
- Chris Butler
- Chris Cunningham
- Chris Golightly
- Chris Mealy
- Chris Mulherin
- Chris Myrvold
- Chris Patterson
- Chris Reutter
- Chris Sampson
- Chris Sampson
- Chris Tincher
- Chris Tolliver
- Chris Waugh
- Chris Waugh
- Christian and Arya Wuethrich
- Christian Fellowship Church of Toledo
- Christian Fellowship Church of Toledo
- Christie Farrell Lee & Bell, PC
- Christie Farrell Lee & Bell, PC
- Christina ZaZa Matthys
- Christine Alfery
- Christine Alfery
- Christo Victor
- Christopher Bailey
- Christopher Hagenow
- Christopher King
- Christopher Myrvold
- Christopher S. Fedor
- Christopher Tolliver
- Christy A. Durbin
- Christy Chen
- Christy Chen
- Christy Ooley
- Christy Wegner
- Chuck & Martha Heinrich
- Chuck & Patsy Bublitz
- Chuck Dobbins
- Chuck Swisher
- Chuck Swisher
- Church Church Hittle + Antrim
- Church, Church, Hittle & Antrim
- Cincinnati Floor Company, Inc
- Cindi Yantz
- Cindy Clemens
- Cindy Collier
- Cindy Lumpkin
- Circle City Security, LLC - Claudette Peterson
- Circle Financial Planning
- Circle Financial Planning
- Citizens Bank
- Citizens Energy Group
- Citizens Energy Group
- City of Lawrence
- City of Lawrence
- City of Lights Church
- City of Lights Church
- CJM Home Maintenance
- Claire Alfery
- Claire Russell
- Clara Cooper
- Clarissa Farris
- Clarissa Farris & Family
- Claude Benson
- Claude E. Benson
- Claude Foreit
- Claudie Pressley
- Clayton & Ali Cook Kids Fund
- Clemontene Spells
- Cleveland Hayes
- CLG International, LLC
- Cliff & Ann Myers
- Cliff & Lisa Allen
- Cliff & Lisa Allen
- Cliff Allen
- Cliff Allen
- Cliff Baker
- Clinton Cooper
- ClusterTruck
- Coca-Cola Bottling Consolidated
- Coca-Cola Bottling Consolidated
- Cody Asher
- Cody Elliott
- Cody Elliott
- Cody Martin
- Cody Simon
- Cohron's Manufactured Homes
- Cohron's Manufactured Homes
- Cohron's Manufactured Homes
- Colby Shank
- Colleen & Bobby Torres
- Colleen and Bobby Torres
- Colleen and Brian Horan
- Colleen Horan
- Colleen Naumovich
- Colleen Naumovich
- Colleen Sprague
- College Park Church
- College Park Church
- Colonial Hills Baptist Church
- Columbia Forest Products
- Community Foundation of Boone County
- Community Foundation of Morgan County, Inc.
- Community Health Network
- Community Health Network, INC.
- Community Management Services, Inc.
- Compass Pointe CPA's
- Connie and Charles Walters
- Connie Gorman
- Connie Steinhart
- Connie Steinhart
- Connor Sweany
- Conrex Property Management
- Constance Minton
- Conway Services
- Conway Services
- Cook Medical
- Cooper Leib
- CorGroup
- Corinne Korn
- Courtney & Todd Bertrand
- Courtney A Collins
- Courtney Corcoran
- Courtney Knittel
- Courtney Schnaus
- Courtney Taylor
- Cowan Drugs/Parkside Pharmacy
- Cowan Drugs/Parkside Pharmacy
- Cowan Drugs/Parkside Pharmacy
- Cowan Drugs/Parkside Pharmacy
- Craig & Gladys Heinrichs
- Craig & Mary Fenneman
- Craig Cordi
- Craig Cordi
- Craig Fenneman
- Craig Fenneman
- Craig Ito
- Craig Mayes
- Craig Mueller
- Craven, Hoover & Blazek, P.C.
- Craven, Hoover and Blazek
- Creative Cakes & Catering By Dorothy
- Creative Works
- Crew Property Improvement Specialists
- Crew Property Improvement Specialists
- Crossroads Church of Avon, Indiana, Inc.
- Crossroads Church of Avon, Indiana, Inc.
- Crowe Foundation
- Crowe LLP
- Crowe LLP
- Crystal Adams
- Crystal Ramos
- Culvers of Lawrence
- Cunningham Restaurant Group
- Cure Chasers Cycling
- Curtis Condict
- Curtiss and Sharon Luenebrink
- Cynthia Deal
- Cynthia Helfgott
- Cynthia Helfgott
- Cynthia L. Long
- Cynthia Orr
- Cynthia Orr
- Cynthia Stone
- Cynthia Stone
- D. Mullen
- D.L. and Katherine Valcore
- D'Angelo Brandon
- Dacen Pendergrass
- Dairy Queen - Lebanon
- Dale & Claudia Needleman
- Dale & Karin Ogden
- Dale Bookwalter
- Dale Stackhouse
- Dale Stackhouse
- Damen Bonner
- Dan & Alex Smith
- Dan & Alex Smith Farms
- Dan & Barb Hatfield
- Dan & Lisa Riley
- Dan and Barb Hatfield
- Dan Aron
- Dan Bardua
- Dan Charles
- Dan Gray
- Dan Hall
- Dan Hall In Memory of Moli Hall
- Dan Lucas
- Dan Lucas
- Dan Riley
- Dan Weiss
- Dan Wheeler
- Dan Zone
- Dana Austin
- Dana B. Bois
- Dana Bois
- Dana Bois
- Dana Miller
- Dana Miller
- Dana Reed Wise
- Dandrae Douse
- DAndrae Douse
- Daniel Dobbs
- Daniel Ferracciolo
- Daniel Gray
- Daniel Hayes
- Daniel Henson
- Daniel Lucas
- Daniel Lucas
- Daniel Maehler
- Daniel Smith
- Daniel Stewart
- Daniel Wheeler
- Daniel Wheeler & Susan Wakefield
- Danielle & Jeff Udrasols
- Danielle Cox-Eland
- Danielle Martin
- Danielle McClain
- Danielle Olnick
- Danielle Spidel
- Darcy Stair
- Darian Shields
- Daris A. Williams
- Daris Williams
- Darla Sobotka
- Darlene Dardy
- Darrell Gordon
- Darren Kay
- Darren Kay
- Darron Brown
- Darryl Gunyon in Memory of Eugene Star
- Dave & Anne Wolf
- Dave & Kim Keever
- Dave & Kim Keever
- Dave & Phyllis Ferrell & Family
- Dave & Phyllis Ferrell & Family
- Dave Abbott
- Dave and Kristi Abbott
- Dave Franz
- Dave Kleiman
- Dave Steenbarger
- David & Ann Cook
- David & Ann Cook
- David & Ann Cook
- David & Carrie Frizzell
- David & Carrie Frizzell
- David & Gai Fifer
- David & Janie Bond
- David & Maria Kretschmer
- David & Miera Buckner
- David & Tara Clark
- David A Coates
- David and Carrie Frizzell
- David and Carrie Frizzell
- David and Eunice Wiley
- David and Heidi Donaldson
- David and Lauren Smith
- David and Patti Quiring
- David and Sara Lee
- David C. Martin
- David C. Martin
- David Carr
- David Cunningham
- David Cwi
- David Dinn
- David Eland
- David Garrison
- David H. Kleiman
- David Harwood
- David Heffner
- David J. and Mary Sue Klinkose
- David J. Cooper
- David Johnson
- David Kemp
- David Kleiman
- David Klinkose
- David Lahey
- David Maitland
- David O'Brien
- David Rakes
- David Rakes
- David Ray
- David Rieger
- David Smith
- David T. Cantwell
- David Tegmeyer
- David Tussey
- Dawn Criss
- Dawn Horvath
- Dawna Sweatt
- De Reu Family
- DeAndria Robinson
- Deb Hull
- Debbie L. Ruddick
- Debie Zeese
- Deborah & Tom Steinmetz
- Deborah C. Jordan
- Deborah Coomes
- Deborah Egan
- Deborah Hughes
- Deborah Hull
- Deborah Oatts
- Deborah Oatts
- Deborah Rasper
- Deborah Thornburgh
- Deborah Todd
- Deborah Whitfield
- Deborah Whitfield
- Debra & Robert Kirkpatrick
- Debra and Robert Kirkpatrick
- Debra Bond-Luers
- Debra Eckart
- Debra Eckart
- Debra Miles
- Debra Scoular
- Debra Scoular
- Dee Hood
- Dee Rice
- DeFrantz Family Foundation
- Deidra Mitchem
- Delevan Smith
- Delilah Morgan Jones & Family
- Delores McRorie
- Delores Mcrorie
- Denise A. Kirkham
- Denise Demaree
- Denise Kirkham
- Denise Lindsay
- Denise Pearson
- Denise Reiter in Memory of Moli Hall
- Denise's Book Club: Jan, Terry, Sandy, Celeste, & Debbie
- Denmark International YMCA trip From Jeremiah and Mandy Clark (at vlindy)
- Dennis & Cathy Sponsel
- Dennis & Vicki Cameron
- Dennis Dawes
- Dennis Sheets
- Deon Casey
- Derek Hamilton
- DeReu Family
- Derksen Family
- Derksen Family; Tom, Jeanne & Maggie
- Derrick and Chotsani Stewart
- Derrick & Chotsani Stewart
- Derwin N. Smiley
- Derwin N. Smiley
- Desiree Vanae Brandon-Gouveia
- Desma & Matt Belsaas
- Desma Belsaas
- Devan Allen
- Devin Carter
- Devin Carter
- Diamond Pest Control
- Diana L Budreau
- Diane Hardy
- Diane Holmes
- Diane Knight
- Diane Muench
- Diane Muench
- Diane Petry
- Diane Preusch
- Dianna Rice
- Dianne Smith
- Dick and Carol Schwartz
- Dick's Sporting Goods Foundation
- Dickmann Reason Bogigian & White/ Dynamic Legacy Planning
- Dienen Inc.
- Dillon Wiley
- Dimond Bros. Insurance
- Dimond Bros. Insurance
- Dina and Keith Martin
- Dinardo Law
- Dionna Liggans
- Dionna Liggans
- Distinct Images
- Don & Amy Crossley
- Don & Cheryl Morton
- Don & Cheryl Morton
- Don & Dotty Crafft
- Don & Molly Burns
- Don & Stacey Bogan
- Don and Barb Broadlick
- Don and Cheryl Bartemus
- Don and Stacey Bogan
- Don Casey
- Don Casey
- Don Edwards, III
- Don Hoover
- Don McInnes
- Don Sheppard
- Donald and Dolly Craft
- Donald Wieser
- Donald Woods
- Donna Calhoun
- Donna Metallic
- Donna Mitchell
- Donna Neu
- Donna Powe
- Donna Richardson
- Donna Wing
- Donnie & Cammie Walden
- Donnie Young
- Door Closer Services Co.
- Door Closer Services Co.
- Dorene Hoops
- Dorothea & Philip Genetos
- Dorothea & Philip Genetos
- Dorothy Henckel
- Dorothy Thomas
- Dorran
- Doug & Cheryl Gettelfinger
- Doug & Cheryl Gettelfinger
- Doug & Kristen Walker
- Doug & Robyn Thornton
- Doug & Ruth Endicott
- Doug and Kristen Walker
- Doug and Kristen Walker
- Doug Garfield
- Doug Garfield & Lisa Langhart
- Doug Kafoure
- Doug Kafoure
- Doug Thornton
- Douglas & Charlotte Lippert
- Dr. & Mrs. Tom E. McSoley
- Dr. and Mrs. John W. Dietz
- Dr. Claude Foreit
- Dr. Derrick Latos and Family
- Dr. Derrick Latos Family
- Dr. Donna Sandage & Mr. John P. Drake
- Dr. Flora Reichanadter
- Dr. Joseph Smedley
- Dr. Kim MrElroy-Jones
- Dr. LaWanda Jobe
- Dr. Mathew Seward
- Dr. Mike & Suzanne Copper
- Dr. Polly G. Nicely
- Dr. Shawn A. Smith
- Dr. Shawn Smith
- Dr. Shawn Smith
- Dr. Steve Sexson Family
- Dr. Steve Sexson Family
- Dr. Terri Jett
- Dr. Tony Jean Dickerson
- Drew & Kiersten Sipes
- Drew & Shannon Alexander
- Drew & Shannon Alexander
- Drew Kelley
- Drew Kelley
- Drs. Eric and Rosalind Leaming
- Drs. Robert C. McDonald & Mary N. Walsh
- Drs. Robert C. McDonald & Mary N. Walsh
- Drs. Robert C. McDonald and Mary N. Walsh
- Drs. Robert C. McDonald and Mary N. Walsh
- Drs. Robin and Tom Ledyard
- Drs. Rosalind and Eric Leaming
- Duane & Kim Fortune
- Duane & Kim Fortune
- Duane Fortune
- Dugout Bar
- DuJuan Carpenter
- Duke Energy
- Duke Energy Foundation
- Duke Energy Indiana, Inc.
- Duke Realty Corporation
- Dustin & Enza Kolp
- Dustin & Enza Kolp
- Dustin Demilt
- Dustin DeNeal
- Dustin Kolp
- Dwight & Nancy Lee, DDS
- Dwight Lee, D.D.S.
- E. Paul Smith
- Eagle Valley, Inc.
- Eagle Valley, Inc.
- Earl H. Schmidt
- Earlene Sears
- Ed & Diondra Cayce
- Ed and Gina Apple
- Ed Martin Nissan
- Ed Martin Nissan
- Eddie Waxer
- Edward Jones - John Dewey
- Edwin Coates
- El Jaripeo Mexican Restaurnat #2 Inc.
- Elaine Fortune
- Elaine Fortune
- Elaine Hopkins
- Elayne Ansara
- Elayyan Family
- Elden & Bernetta Harman
- Eli Lilly and Company Foundation
- Elicia Mohler
- Elisabeth Jones
- Elite Floor Care
- Elite Floor Care
- Elizabeth Smith
- Elizabeth & Alek Boskovich
- Elizabeth Beals
- Elizabeth Brehob
- Elizabeth Brinker
- Elizabeth Faris
- Elizabeth Farra
- Elizabeth Jones
- Elizabeth Panayides
- Elizabeth Panayides
- Elizabeth Stroup
- Elizabeth Walcott
- Ella Cheerva
- Ellen Doe
- Ellen Munds
- Ellen Munds
- Ellen Robinson
- Ellen Rosenthall
- Ellie Hersh
- Ellie Schmink
- Ellie Schmink
- Elliott Pinner
- Ellyn Ludden
- Elmer & Helen Parks
- Elmer & Helen Parks
- Elmer & Helen Parks
- Elsa Clemons-Calderon
- Elser Financial Planning, Inc.
- Elser Financial Planning, Inc.
- Emery Sunderman
- Emily & Peter Howard
- Emily Davidson in Memory of Moli Hall
- Emily Dzikowski-Bowman
- Emily Farra
- Emily G. Howard
- Emily Leiserson
- Emily Masengale
- Emily Masengale
- Emily McQueary
- Emily Richardson
- Emily Richardson
- Emily Sauer
- Emily Smith
- Emily Smith
- Emily Walden
- Emily Wright
- Emma Bakemeier
- Emma Davidson
- Emma Ledbetter
- Emma Martin
- Emory Edwards
- Employ Indy
- Employ Indy
- ENC Home Inspection Services - Wylie H. Womack
- Energy Harness Corp.
- Engaging Solutions, LLC
- Enid Goodrich
- enVista LLC
- EPS Enterprises LLC
- Eric & Marcia Servaas
- Eric & Barb Ellsworth
- Eric & Karen Jensen
- Eric & Karen Jensen
- Eric & Marcia Servaas
- Eric & Marcia Servaas
- Eric & Marcia Servaas
- Eric & Patti Cavanaugh
- Eric & Sally Rowland
- Eric & Tangela Floyd
- Eric and Barb Ellsworth
- Eric and Karen Jensen
- Eric and Patti Cavanaugh
- Eric Jackson
- Eric Nolan
- Eric Nolan
- Eric Soler
- Eric VanVeelen
- Eric VanVeelen
- Eric W Chance
- Erica Armstrong Dunbar
- Erica Gould
- Erica Pushor
- Erica Pushor
- Erica Trusty
- Erica Trusty
- Erica Young
- Erica Young
- Ericka Pursley
- Ericka Quarles
- Erin Bartholomew
- Erin Lemme, Juice Plus+
- Erin Neff
- Erin Neff
- Erin Reuland
- Erin Reuland
- Ernst & Young
- Ervin & CJ Picha
- Eskenazi Health
- Eskenazi Health
- Esposito Family Charitable Fund
- Ethan Bradley
- Ethan Jackson
- Ethan New
- Eugene Kaufman
- Evan Connors
- Evan Denari
- Evelyn Dodds
- Evelyn Petry
- Expo 4 Seniors
- F. C. Tucker Co., Inc.
- F.A. Wilhelm Construction Company
- F.A. Wilhelm Construction Company
- Faegre Drinker Foundation
- Faegre Drinker Foundation
- Fairfield Inn
- Fairview Investment Services
- Fairway Mortgage - Team Turley
- Fairway Mortgage - Team Turley
- Falan Austin
- Falecia Mails
- Family of Madeline H. Smith
- Fatmah Albared
- FedEx
- FedEx
- Felecia Williams
- Felicia Williams
- Fielding Beeler
- Filip Stoyanovich
- Fiona McKiernan
- First Baptist Church
- First Financial Bank
- First Merchants Bank Corporate Office
- First Merchants Charitable Foundation, Inc.
- First Onsite Restoration
- First Presbyterian Church
- Fishers Pediatric Dentistry
- Fishers Pediatric Dentistry
- Fitzgerald Family
- Fitzgerald Family
- Fitzgerald Family
- Fitzgerald Family
- Five Star Senior Living - Leisure Park
- Flat Rock River Branch YMCA of Greater Indianapolis
- Flat Rock River Branch YMCA of Greater Indianapolis
- Flexware Innovation, Inc.
- Flexware Innovation, inc.
- Florence E. Lehr
- Floyd L. Kresge
- Fort Benjamin Blossoms
- Fort Benjamin Blossoms
- Fort Harrison Reuse Authority
- Frances Ford
- Frances Gaylord
- Franciscan Health Center for Women & Children
- Franciscan Health Center for Women & Children
- Frank & Jane Walker
- Frank & Nancy Russell
- Frank Attilo Denzio
- Frank Sullivan
- Fred & Mary Lou Jones
- Fred & Mary Lou Jones
- Fred & Mary Lou Jones
- Fred & Mary Lou Jones
- Fred & Son's Hauling and Lawncare
- Fred & Son's Hauling and Lawncare
- Fred and Elizabeth Frick
- Fred Dorsey
- Friendly City Games
- Fritz in Fishers
- Gaby Slayton
- Garland E. Graves
- Garland Graves
- Garmong Construction Services
- Gary & Debbie Hood
- Gary & Debbie Hood
- Gary & Debbie Short
- Gary & Debbie Short
- Gary & Kristi Selker
- Gary and Jessica Moore
- Gary and Jessica Moore
- Gary Brown
- Gary Forster
- Gary M Jursick
- Gary Nagl
- Gary Nagl
- Gary Short
- Gary Woodruff
- Gary Woodruff
- Gay Bowling
- GE Booth
- GEMCO Constructors
- Gene Kaufman
- Genese Parker
- Genevieve Sullivan
- Genevieve Sullivan
- George & Bev Farra
- George & Bev Farra
- George & Bev Farra
- George & Bev Farra
- George & Kim Sanburn
- George & Nancy Morton
- George & Nancy Morton
- George & Val Anichini
- George and Nancy Werner
- George Bomberger
- George Dossett - In Memory of Ota Dossett Sr.
- George E. Booth Company, Inc
- George Morton
- George Porter
- George Posey
- George Sanburn - mylogoshop
- George Wahl
- Gerry & Nancy Riley
- Gettelfinger Charitable Fund
- Giannine and Troy Cohoon
- Giannine and Troy Cohoon
- Giannine M. Cohoon
- Giant Eagle Inc
- Gibson Commercial Construction
- Gilbert D. Standley
- Gillian Cookerly-Dietrich
- Gina & Ed Apple
- Gina Bustamante
- Gina Harpring
- Ginger & Byron Plexico
- Ginger & Byron Plexico
- Ginger and Byron Plexico
- Ginger Heyne
- Glasswater Creek - Plainfield
- Glasswater Creek - Plainfield
- Glenda Carson
- Glenda Carson
- Glenn Swisher
- Glenn Swisher, Jr.
- Glick Family Foundation
- Glitz & Glam Essentials Paparazzi Jewlery
- Globe Asphalt Paving Co.,
- Globe Asphalt Paving Co.,
- Gloria Caruthers
- Gloria Griesinger
- Gloria Harbin
- Gloria Harbin
- Gloria Harbin
- Glory to God Christian Church
- Glory to God Christian Church
- GOP Club of Warren Township
- Grant Isley
- Great Lakes Valley Conference
- Great Lakes Valley Conference
- Greater Avon Chamber of Commerce Inc.
- Greater Avon Chamber of Commerce Inc.
- Greater Southside Business Association
- Greentree Real Estate Group
- Greentree Real Estate Group
- Greenwood Rotary Club
- Greenwood Village South
- Greenwood Woodman Toastmasters Club
- Greenwood Woodman Toastmasters Club
- Greenwood/White River Rotary
- Greg
- Greg & Lynne Baker
- Greg and Mary Huebner
- Greg Baker Remax Complete
- Greg Bogan
- Greg Buikema
- Greg Corsaro
- Greg Corsaro
- Greg Enneking
- Greg Faith
- Greg Gastineau
- Greg Goelzer
- Greg Goelzer
- Greg S. Kindle
- Greg Schahet
- Greg Schmoll
- Gregg & Kathy Hiland
- Gregg & Kathy Hiland
- Gregg & Kathy Hiland
- Gregg and Kathy Hiland
- Gregory & Appel Insurance
- Gregory Frey
- Gregory Goelzer
- Gregory Stieglitz
- Gretel a. Hayes
- Grossniklaus Family
- Grover and Dorothe Turner
- Guardian Relocation Services
- Guardian Relocation Services
- GXO Logistics
- Hadley & Hallmann Team
- Hamilton County Community Foundation
- Hamilton County Sheriff's Office
- Hamilton County Sheriff's Office
- Hannah Burton
- Hannah Burton
- Hannah Demaree
- Hannah Lauinger
- Hannah Ott
- Hardon Educational Institute LLC
- Harley, Carly, and Christa
- Harold Harvey
- Harold Ransburg
- Harry & Myra Worthington
- Harvester Financial Credit Union
- Harvester Financial Credit Union
- Harvey and Jennifer Smith
- Haylee Garten
- Hayley Fink
- Hazel Dixon
- HCO, Inc.
- Health and Hospital Corporation of Marion County, IN
- Health Development Corporation
- HealthNet
- Heartland HouseMaster
- Heartland Vision
- Heartland Vision
- Heather & Matt Schaller
- Heather & Matt Schaller
- Heather and Brain Montgomery
- Heather Coates
- Heather Condict
- Heather Eichhorn
- Heather Miles
- Heather Myers
- Heather Scholz
- Heather Wiley
- Heba Zaza
- Heidi Brumback
- Heidi Monroe
- Hendricks County Bank and Trust Company
- Hendricks County JDAI
- Hendricks Power
- Hendricks Regional Health
- Hendricks Regional Health
- Herb & Jan Benshoof
- Heritage Woods of Noblesville
- Herman & Kittle Properties
- Herman & Kittle Properties
- Herman Maglalang
- Hess, Hess & Donnelson, LLP
- Hilary May
- Hillary Wolfe
- Hilma Green Riley
- Hilma Green-Riley
- Hollis McGee
- Holly Ciskowski
- Holly Ragens
- Holly Weaver
- Holt Dental
- Holt Dental
- Holwager & Holwager, Attorneys at Law
- Holwager & Holwager, Attorneys at Law
- Holy Spirit Men's Club
- Holy Spirit Men's Club
- Home National Bank
- Home National Bank
- Home National Bank
- Honey Creek Capital, LLC
- Hope Community Church
- Horizon Christian Fellowship Central
- Horizon Christian Fellowship Central
- Howard Eads
- Howard K. Baetzhold
- Howard P. Eads
- Howard Trivers
- Howard Trivers & Cathy Buyarski
- Howard Trivers and Cathy Buyarski
- Howard Trivers and Cathy Buyarski
- Hubler Automotive Group
- Hubler Automotive Group
- Hulian Campbell
- Humana, Inc.
- Humana, Inc.
- Humanity Health, LLC
- Iain Scoular
- IBEW Local #481
- IBEW, Local #481
- Ice Miller, LLP
- Iesha Brown
- Iesha Brown
- In Honor of Bill Blanchard
- In honor of Charles W. Spaulding, Jr.
- In honor of David Brooking
- In Loving Memory of Lalera Myra Kidney Awareness
- In Memory of Annabel Hartman
- In Memory of Cheryl Sheets
- In memory of Danny Groover
- In memory of Danny Groover
- In Memory of Daphne Williamson
- In Memory of Dixie J White
- In Memory of Frank Denzio
- In Memory of Frank Denzio
- In Memory of Jan Hendricks
- In Memory of Jo Mitchell
- In Memory of John Boersema Sr. / John Boersema Jr.
- In Memory of Kay Gootee
- In Memory of Shannon Lucas
- In Memory of Sharon Crain
- In Motion Orthopaedics
- Independent Insurance Agents of Indiana - Lilly Scholar
- India Tapplar
- Indiana Forest Alliance
- Indiana Reclamation & Excavating, Inc.
- Indiana Reclamation & Excavating, Inc.
- Indiana Sports Outreach, Inc.
- Indiana University Health
- Indiana Vein Specialists
- Indianapolis Colts Foundation, Inc.
- Indianapolis Public Library
- Indy Floor Restore
- Indy Floor Restore
- Indy Public Safety Foundation
- Indy Ski School at Geist
- Indy Ski School at Geist
- Ingredion
- Insurance By George
- Intersection Community Church at Ransburg
- Intersection Community Church at Ransburg
- Irvington Insurance
- Isaac L. Black III
- Isaac L. Black III
- Isaac Morey
- Isabelle Romine
- Isadore & Kathy L. Rivas
- Isaiaah Quarles
- Isreal Schafer
- Iva Kent
- Ivy Tech Community College
- Izzy Rivas
- J Stoneking
- J. A. Lacy
- J. Moyes Insurance Group, LLC
- J.E. Roberts
- Jack Cunningham
- Jack E. Dickey
- Jack Esselman
- Jack K. Lucas
- Jack Mourouzis
- Jack Patterson
- Jack's Donuts Lawrence
- Jackie Bowen
- Jackie L. Burke
- Jackie Lynn Freeman Doyle
- Jackson Bland
- Jackson System, LLC
- Jacob & Sarah Baker
- Jacob and Gloria Hall
- Jacob Baker
- Jacob Baker
- Jacob Kasarda
- Jacob Reinking
- Jacob Reinking
- Jacob-Dietz, Inc.
- Jacqueline Norio
- Jaime Rogers
- Jaime Smith
- Jake & Jennifer Reardon-McSoley
- Jake & Kyle Allen
- Jake and Megan Klomp
- Jake, Jenn, Jackson & Jace
- Jake, Jenn, Jackson & Jace
- Jake, Jenn, Jackson & Jace
- James & Jan Lowes
- James & Janet Wuellner
- James & Janet Wuellner
- James & Janett Lowes
- James & Karen Wood
- James & Margaret Watts
- James & Nancy Patterson
- James & Tamie Morog
- James & Tamie Morog
- James A. Moore
- James and Carolyn Curry
- James and Mary Cannon
- James Bailey
- James Best
- James Bolles
- James Burt
- James Callaghan
- James Cates
- James Cline & Family
- James E Thomas
- James L. Kittle Sr.
- James Long
- James Morris
- James Mundt
- James P. Flanagan
- James Patterson
- James Renton
- James Seet
- James T. Morris
- James Thomas
- James Watts
- Jami Weirich
- Jami Weirich
- Jamie Pierce
- Jamie Rhodman
- Jamie Sadler
- Jan and Jack Keefer
- Jan Clark
- Jan L. CLark
- Jan L. Clark
- Jan McNulty
- Jana K. Secrist
- Jana M. Gruner
- Janai Downs
- Janaina miknus
- Janaina N. Miknus
- Janaule Young
- Janay Riley
- Janay Riley
- Jane Pauley CHC
- Jane Pauley CHC
- Jane Rutledge
- Jane Weber
- Janet & Walter Gross
- Janet Arnold
- Janet Baker
- Janet Dye
- Janet Fox
- Janet R. Hohlt
- Janet Sammer
- Janet Wilzbacher
- Janice Cromwell
- Janie Kirk
- Jarod Price
- Jasmin M Hashi
- Jasmine Williams
- Jason & Cecilia Beehler
- Jason & Cecilia Beehler
- Jason & Sharlee Little
- Jason & Sharlee Little
- Jason and Cecilia Beehler
- Jason and Cecilia Beehler
- Jason and Terri Scott
- Jason Kashman
- Jason Kienzle
- Jason Weigel
- Javier R. Urias
- Jay & Christie Kile Love
- Jay & Christie Love
- Jay and Christie Love
- Jay Calderon
- Jayant & Hansa Parikshak
- Jayme Maness
- Jayme Maness
- JBG Realtors, Inc.
- JBG Realtors, Inc.
- JBG Realtors, Inc.
- JBG Realtors, Inc.
- JD & Kelsey Plankey
- JE Fehsenfeld Family Foundation
- Jean Ahrendts In Memory of Dick Ahrendts
- Jean L. Roberts
- Jean Staley
- Jean Staley
- Jeanetta Penniston
- Jeanine and James Isham
- Jeanine Isham
- Jeanna Dillow
- Jeanne Wade
- Jeff & Annette Simmons
- Jeff & Carol Whitaker - Lebanon Dairy Queen
- Jeff & Kim Newnam
- Jeff & Leeza Kleber
- Jeff & Mindy Henry
- Jeff & Stephanie Mabry
- Jeff & Tammy Butts
- Jeff and Annette Simmons
- Jeff and Beth Iliff
- Jeff and Shannon Reedy
- Jeff and Tammi Dodge
- Jeff and Tammy Butts
- Jeff and Tammy Butts
- Jeff Chandler
- Jeff Chapman
- Jeff Dehler
- Jeff Jung
- Jeff Kirkhoff
- Jeff Kleber
- Jeff McAfee
- Jeff McFarland
- Jeff Price
- Jeff Roberts
- Jeff Zeha
- Jeffery and Bonnie Fleming
- Jeffrey & Jennifer Beltz
- Jeffrey & Kim Newnam
- Jeffrey A. Harrison
- Jeffrey A. Harrison
- Jeffrey A. Reedy
- Jeffrey C. Marshall, O.D.
- Jeffrey Chapman
- Jeffrey Chapman
- Jeffrey Crabtree
- Jeffrey Garfield
- Jeffrey H. Thomasson
- Jeffrey Harrison
- Jen DeGroff
- Jen Holland
- Jen Holland
- Jen Murphy
- Jen Murphy
- Jen Webster
- Jennie Colburn
- Jennifer A. Bolander
- Jennifer Ann Victory
- Jennifer Bolander
- Jennifer Cox
- Jennifer Curran
- Jennifer Fisher
- Jennifer Hannon
- Jennifer Heghinian
- Jennifer Kohnen
- Jennifer Lamb
- Jennifer Navara
- Jennifer Navara
- Jennifer O'Shea
- Jennifer Siminski
- Jennifer Victory
- Jennifer W. Camire
- Jennifer Walt
- Jenny and Rusty Hamner
- Jenny Chambers
- Jenny Hannon
- Jenny Najib
- Jenny Sera
- Jenny Sera
- Jenny Sera
- Jeremiah Monk
- Jeremy Brilliant
- Jeremy Burton
- Jeremy Dysinger
- Jeri A. Goddard
- Jeri Goddard
- Jermain Pierson
- Jerome and Mary Kelly
- Jerry & DeLee Reeder
- Jerry & Eva Bohannon
- Jerry & Martha Bonds
- Jerry & Martha Bonds
- Jerry & Sally Gray
- Jerry & Sally Gray
- Jerry & Sally Gray
- Jerry Alexander
- Jerry and DeLee Reeder
- Jerry and DeLee Reeder
- Jerry and Rosemary Semler
- Jerry Hine
- Jerry Maust
- Jess & Lee Fuller
- Jess Hart
- Jess Monk
- Jesse A. Schearer
- Jesse Carrasquillo
- Jesse Wright
- Jesse Wright
- Jessica Langlais
- Jessica Ledford
- Jessica Ledford
- Jessica Muench
- Jessica Shook
- Jessica Subick
- Jessie Emmons
- Jewel Mosley
- Jilenna Cloys
- Jill Bower
- Jill Butler
- Jill E. Martin
- Jill E. Martin
- Jill Hall
- Jill Olds
- Jill Waldner
- Jim & Carol Rhoads
- Jim & Carolyn Curry
- Jim & Carolyn Naumovich
- Jim & Carolyn Naumovich
- Jim & Ida Wine
- Jim & Janett Lowes
- Jim & Karen Wood
- Jim & Karen Wood
- Jim & Nancy Ritchie
- Jim & Peggy Roederer
- Jim & Peggy Roederer
- Jim & Tamie Morog
- Jim and Barb Austin
- Jim and Jan Bisesi
- Jim and Jayne Thorne
- Jim and Merry Crews
- Jim and Merry Crews
- Jim Cline & Family
- Jim Cunning
- Jim Goodrich
- Jim Pickens
- Jim Thorne
- Jim Ulbright
- Jim Wolf
- Jimmy DeArmond Sr.
- Jimmy Rayford
- Jo Ellen & Bill Buffie
- Jo Ellen & Bill Buffie
- Joachim Schmutz & Munich YMCA
- Joan Mattox
- Joan Naumovich
- Joanie Fuson
- Joanie Fuson
- Joanna Johnson
- Joanna Miller
- Joanne McAnlis
- JoAnne McAnlis & Ryan Lee
- Job and Vanessa De Haro
- Jocelyn M. Searcy
- Jockamo Pizza
- Jockamo Pizza
- Jodi Parks
- Jodie McClain
- Jodie Searcy
- Jody Durham
- Joe & Florie Eaton
- Joe & Florie Eaton
- Joe & Florie Eaton
- Joe & Michelle White
- Joe Arvidson
- Joe Arvidson
- Joe Dial
- Joe Dial
- Joe Hauser
- Joe Huff
- Joe Martinez & Ryan Fuller
- Joe Melillo
- Joe Miller
- Joe Murphy
- Joe Paulson
- Joe Rice
- Joe Rice
- Joe Snyder
- Joe Snyder
- Joel Hudson
- Joel Hudson
- Joey and Suchari
- JoHannah Marquez
- Johathan Combs
- John & Barbara Hayes
- John & Carmel Brand
- John & Carmel Brand
- John & Carmel Brand
- John & Carmel Brand
- John & Cindy DesJean
- John & Dava Schwentker
- John & Dava Schwentker
- John & Diana Hall
- John & Julia Merrill
- John & Julia Merrill
- John & Julia Merrill
- John & Julie Merrill
- John & Mary Pouch
- John & Paige Shelbourne
- John & Paige Shelbourne
- John & Rose Spratt
- John & Shannon Treeter
- John Ackerman
- John and Ann McGrath
- John and Anna Nelson
- John and Cindy DesJean
- John and Diana Hall
- John and Kathy Ackerman
- John and Robin Sullivan
- John and Susan Stiles
- John and Susie Davis, Leslie Davis Holloran Davis
- John B. Kniesly
- John D. Ayers
- JOhn D. Wesseler
- John Entezari
- John Forgas
- John Hall
- John Hobgood
- John L. Cochran
- John Lich
- John Mahoney
- John McGrath
- John Mohr
- John P. Drake
- John P. Price & Joy G. Price
- John R. Robinson
- John Reno
- John Schilling
- John Schilling
- John Schwentker
- John Shelbourne - Cycle-a-thon Registration
- John Spitznogle
- John Vondersaar
- John Wynne Memorial Ping Pong
- John-Paul Felter
- John-Paul William Felter
- John, Heather, Jack and Gavin Dietz
- Johnna D Vanbuskirk
- Johnson County Community Foundation
- Johnstone Supply
- Joi DeFrantz
- Jolene Johnston
- Jon & Laurie Whitman
- Jon and Laurie Whitman
- Jon Henderson
- Jon Horton
- Jon Horton
- Jon Romine
- Jon Romine
- Jonathan D. Sundheimer
- Jonathan Lee
- Jonathan Sundheimer
- Jonathon S. Sellers
- Jordan Maitland
- Jordan Maitland
- Jordan Maitland
- Jordan Reed
- Jordan Yant
- Joseph Allen
- Joseph B. Symons
- Joseph Bowling
- Joseph Eaton
- Joseph H Dwenger
- Joseph Haddix
- Joseph Hogsett
- Joseph Melillo
- Joseph Moore
- Joseph Webster
- Josephine Broadnax
- Josh Bisher
- Josh Hargis
- Joshua & Jessica Heaston
- Joshua & Jessica Heaston
- Joshua Foster
- Joshua Gaither
- Joshua Means
- Josie Bullard
- Joy & Tony Mason
- Joy A. Wehrmeister
- Joy Davis
- Joy E. Mason
- Joy Perry
- Joyce & Richard Bender
- Joyce and Eddie Morrow
- Joyce Saunders
- Joyce Saunders
- Joyce Warner-Stone
- JP Morgan Chase
- JP Morgan Chase
- JT Tree Service
- JT Waugh
- Juan and Cheri Camacho
- Juan and Cheri Camacho
- Juan Martinez
- Juanita Walker
- Judah Owens
- Judith A. Walker
- Judith Norris
- Judith Norris
- Judith Pleiss
- Judith Taylor Cunningham
- Judith Townsend
- Judith Townsend
- Judith Wheat
- Judson University
- Judson University
- Judy and Lonnie Walker
- Judy Boak
- Judy Cox
- Judy Delp
- Judy Myers
- Judy Weerts Hall & Jim Hall
- Judy Weerts Hall and Jim Hall
- Juice Plus+ & Tower Garden by Erin Lemme
- Juli Ellis Family
- Julia Baker
- Julia Brookbank
- Julia Dugan-Ochoa
- Julia Dugan-Ochoa
- Julia Dye Congdon
- Julia Dye Congdon
- Julia Moore
- Julia Van Zant
- Julian Hashi
- Julian Hashi
- Julie & John Vandenbark
- Julie & John Vandenbark
- Julie A. Gries
- Julie Gahimer
- Julie Gahimer
- Julie Goldsberry
- Julie Goldsberry
- Julie K. Wilson
- Julie Lach
- Julie Lamerson
- Julie Lopez
- Julie McAtee
- Julie O'Toole Black
- Julie Pena
- Julie Swarts
- Julie Swarts
- Julie Wilson
- Julius Stephens
- Justin Burkholder
- Justin Cassetty
- Justin Hunter
- Justin Parker
- K & K Petroleum Matintenance
- Kadie Morrow
- Kailey Zarate
- Kalee Forcum
- Kali Frost
- Kamila Lubinski
- Kaniesha Woodard
- Kaniesha Woodard
- Kappa Kappa Kappa Inc.
- Kappa Kappa Kappa, Inc.
- Kara Empson
- Kara Overton & Family
- Karen Amstutz
- Karen Davis
- Karen Davis
- Karen Doe & Elaine Dillahunt
- Karen Doe & Elaine Dillahunt
- Karen E. Doe
- Karen Hewitt
- Karen Kunkler
- Karen L. Whiteside
- Karen Niemeier
- Karen Niemeier
- Karen Reynolds
- Karen Reynolds
- Karen Wehman and Family
- Kari Begle
- Karin & Dale Ogden
- Karin & Dale Ogden
- Karla Brady
- Karla Brady
- Karla Salisbury
- Karla Wildman
- Karla Wildman
- Karlalea Cody
- Kat Decker
- Kat Decker
- Kat Maxwell
- Kate Brumbaugh
- Kate Kennedy
- Kate Schwenk
- Katherine Smith
- Katheryn Maxwell
- Kathleen Booth
- Kathleen Caito
- Kathleen Fenoglio
- Kathleen Finney
- Kathleen Lindstaedt in Memory of Molli Hall
- Kathleen Wilds
- Kathryn Lambertus
- Kathy and Dave Finney
- Kathy and Dave Finney
- Kathy and Joe Caito
- Kathy Andujar-Achong
- Kathy Cooper
- Kathy Dunn
- Kathy Holt
- Kathy Holt
- Kathy Mayfield
- Kathy Mayfield
- Kathy Moreland
- Kathy Unland
- Kathy wendling
- Kathy Willis
- Katie Booth
- Katie Cookerly-Dietrich
- Katie Cookerly-Dietrich
- Katie Fortier
- Katie Pollom
- Katie Reuter
- Katie Robinson
- Katie Robinson
- Katrina Griesmeyer
- Katrina Leeks
- Katrina Taylor
- Katy DeShone
- Katy Panetta
- Katy Yeoman
- Katz, Sapper, & Miller, LLP
- Kayla Cunningham
- Kayla Cunningham
- Kaylee Crowell
- Kayley spicer
- Kaylynn L. Smith
- Kaylynn Smith
- Keelan Simpson
- Keelan Simpson
- Keith & Connie Tyner
- Keith & Jane Ann Steiner
- Keith & Jane Ann Steiner
- Keith & Linda Lauter
- Keith Family
- Keith Family
- Keith G. Smedema
- Keith Jones
- Keith M. Williams
- Keith Smedema
- Kelli Gibson
- Kelli Williams Gibson
- Kelly & Scott Beck
- Kelly Cookerly
- Kelly Cookerly
- Kelly Cooper
- Kelly Hall
- Kelly King
- Kelly Meissner
- Kelly Moon
- Kelly Wessling
- Kelly Wessling
- Kellye Mitros
- Kelsey & James Plankey
- Kelsey Laycock
- Kelsey Prior
- Kelston Moore
- KEMBA Credit Union
- KEMBA Credit Union
- KEMBA Credit Union
- KEMBA Credit Union
- Ken & Kathi Yacobozzi
- Ken & Mary Zagzebski
- Ken & Mary Zagzebski
- Ken & Mary Zagzebski
- Ken & Suzie Wallach
- Ken & Tina Morwick
- Ken and Jill Sitzman
- Ken and Judy Hasselkus
- Kendall Korsgaard
- Kendall Korsgaard
- Kenneth & Carol Kettler
- Kenneth A Martlage
- Kenneth B. Scott
- Kenneth B. Scott
- Kenneth B. Scott
- Kenneth Johnson
- Kenneth Johnson
- Kenneth L and Tina M Morwick
- Kenny Kincaid
- Kenny Kincaid
- Kenosha and Family
- Kent Adler
- Kent Jackson
- Kent Jackson
- Kent Maynard
- Kent Mocas
- Kent Mocas
- Keriann Rich
- Kern A. Hampton
- Kervan Insurance
- Kevin Myers
- Kevin & Elaine Cox
- Kevin & Kelly Carr
- Kevin & Wendy O'Rourke
- Kevin and Cheryl Perkins
- Kevin Ayers
- Kevin Ayers
- Kevin Baldwin
- Kevin Bartley
- Kevin Kervan
- Kevin Lancaster
- Kevin Speer
- Kevin Wheeler
- Kevin Wheeler
- Key Auctioneers Seath Seaton
- Kiara Hernandez
- Kiersten Sipes
- Kightlinger & Gray, LLP
- Kim & Jeff Newnam
- Kim & Jeff Newnam
- Kim & Mae Leech
- Kim & Scott Nichols
- Kim Cook
- Kim D'Angelo
- Kim Kennedy
- Kim Lawrence - Curry
- Kim Nichols
- Kim Redmon
- Kim Vu
- Kim Vu
- Kimberly Bostic
- Kimberly Bostic
- Kimberly Davidson
- Kimberly Dunson
- Kimberly Fortune
- Kimberly Gerrity
- Kimberly Hastings
- Kimberly Hastings
- Kimberly Koepke
- Kimberly Lawrence Curry
- Kimberly Morgan
- Kimberly Redmon
- Kimberly Rompala
- Kimberly Simmons
- Kimberly Simmons
- Kimberly Williamson
- Kindle Family
- Kira Krause
- Kirby Petry
- Kittle Foundation
- Kittle Property Group
- Kittle Property Group, Inc.
- Kiwanis Club of Castleton
- Kiwanis Club of Indianapolis Broad Ripple
- Kiwanis Club of Indianapolis Broad Ripple
- Kiwanis Club of Lawrence
- Kiwanis Club of Lebanon
- Kiwanis Club of Perry Township
- KJM Trucking
- Klooz Brewz, LLC
- Kona Ice of Midwest Indiana
- Kona Ice South Indy
- Kona Ice South Indy
- Koors Family
- Kris Goff
- Kris Goff
- Krisit Reynolds
- Krissi Echelbarger
- Krista Hobbs
- Kristen Buck
- Kristen Hay
- Kristen Klos
- Kristen Walker
- Kristi MacKay in support of Shana Perry
- Kristi Miniello
- Kristi Selker
- Kristin Corbitt
- Kristin E. Kohn
- Kristin Edwards
- Kroger
- Kroger
- Kurt E Green
- Kurt Vogel
- Kyara Groves
- Kyle & David Jones
- Kyle Blue
- Kyle Brown
- Kyle E. Lanham
- Kyle Wilcher
- L. A. Cafe
- L. A. Cafe
- L. Devon Miller, DVM
- L.S. Sprunger
- La Keisha Jackson
- La Veda Howell
- LaMarcus J Hall
- Lamb Farms, Inc. - Don Lamb
- Lance Barton
- Lanier Family
- Lantern Road Elementary PTO
- Lara Pastore
- Larry & Annette Lake
- Larry & Pam Palmer
- Larry & Pam Palmer
- Larry & Pam Palmer
- Larry and Nancy Van Arendonk
- Larry Love
- Larry Stone
- Larry Van Arendonk
- Larry Young
- Lashanae Robinson
- Laszlo Somi
- LaToya Dix
- Laura Brown
- Laura Conder
- Laura Goodall
- Laura Gorman
- Laura King
- Laura Knight
- Laura Smoots
- Laura Troop
- Laura Walradth
- Laura Winchester
- Laure Eck
- Lauren Ausdenmoore
- Lauren Bashenow
- Lauren Lanz
- Lauren Ooley
- Lauren Roa
- Lauretta Teal
- Laurie Halaska
- Laverne Weitzel
- Lawrence and Lisbeth Lewis
- Lawrence Nutrition
- LAZ Parking
- LAZ Parking
- Leagueside
- Leah and Derwin Smiley of the Society for Diversity
- Leah Leland
- Leah Leland
- Lectonia M. Wright
- Lee Alice Summers
- Lee Ann Kee
- Lee Ann Sanders
- Lee Schluge
- LeeAnn Sanders
- Leeann Walker Murray
- Leigh Austin
- Len Naumovich
- Leo J (Bud) Falke Revocable Trust - Peter Obremskey, Trustee
- Leo J. (Bud) Falke Revocable Trust, Peter Obremskey - Trustee
- Leo J. Falke Revocable Trust
- Leon & Ruthann Neddo
- Leon Schluge
- Leonard Gurin
- Leonard Gurin Family
- Leonard Naumovich
- Leslie A. Kleschick
- Leslie Cruz
- Leslie Gary
- Leslie Gary
- Leslie Stellhorn Thorne
- Leslie Stellhorn Thorne
- Leslie Stellhorn Thorne
- Leslie Stellhorn Thorne
- LesMills
- LesMills
- Leticia Hurtado
- LeVester Hobbs
- LeVester Hobbs
- LeVester Hobbs Jr.
- Levi Monroe
- Lewis Parker
- Lexi Manges
- Liam Souders
- Libby Cierzniak
- Liberty Means Logistics
- Liberty Mutual and Safeco Insurance
- Liberty Mutual and Safeco Insurance
- Lien Koztecki
- Lifetouch
- LifeWise Vending
- LifeWise Vending
- Lillian Kalfas
- Lillly Lane LLC
- Lilly Endowment, Inc.
- Lilly Endowment, Inc.
- Lily N
- Linda & Scott Server
- Linda and Keith Lauter
- Linda Bourbonnie
- Linda Foster
- Linda Hamrick
- Linda J. Shinn
- Linda Jenkins
- Linda M. Osborne
- Linda McPherson
- Linda Nath
- Linda Server
- Linda Small
- Linda Smith
- Linda Smith
- Linda Zeigler
- Lindbloom Family
- Lindsay Scott
- Lindsey Shackelford
- Lindsey Shackelford
- Lionell Phillips
- Lisa & Ron Merrill
- Lisa Cook
- Lisa Eshleman
- Lisa Green
- Lisa Hensley
- Lisa Hoffman
- Lisa Kocot-Parkison & Brian Parkison
- Lisa Lanham
- Lisa Lee
- Lisa M. Kocot
- Lisa Richards
- Lisa Seyffarth
- Lisbeth Lewis
- Livia Hummel
- LJI Wealth Management LLC
- LJI Wealth Management LLC
- Lloyd & Vanessa McBride
- Lloyd A. McBride
- Lloyd Crain
- Logo USA Corporation
- Logo USA Corporation
- Lois Morog
- Lori Beresford
- Lori Joseph
- Lorne Oliver
- Lou and Sandra Drexler
- Lou Halpin
- Lou Malnati's
- Louella Quakenbush
- Louie Langley
- Louis & Sandra Drexler
- Louis Halpin
- Louise Hass
- Louise Meals
- Louise Meals
- Louise Nelson
- Louise S. Hass
- Lowell & Kristen Miller
- Lowell & Kristen Miller
- Lowell & Kristen Miller
- Lucas LaRosa
- Lucas Oil Products, Inc.
- Luci Van Valer
- Lucille Miller
- Lucille Weston
- Luke Boston
- Luke Boston
- Luke Day
- Lumina Foundation
- Luz Sharp
- Lynda Anderson
- Lynda Ford
- Lynda Pitz
- Lynette Timmons
- Lynette Timmons
- Lynn A. Lewis
- Lynn and David Lewis
- Lynn Beaty
- Lynnette Husted
- Lynsey Liguori
- M. Teixeira
- MacDonald Realty Group
- MacDonald Realty Group
- Madame C.J. Walker
- Madeline Sites
- Madeline Wilson
- Madeline Wilson
- Madison Boswell
- Madyson Portish
- Madyson Portish
- Maggie McCoy
- Maggie Short
- Maggie Short
- Mainstyle Flooring
- Mainstyle Flooring
- Mainstyle Flooring
- Making New Memories Investments, LLC
- Malia Vanaman
- Mallow Run Winery
- Mang Tha Real Estate LLC.
- Manley's Irish Mutt
- Manley's Irish Mutt
- Marathon Oil Corp
- Marathon Oil Corp
- Marc & Rosalie Hetzner
- Marc & Rosalie Hetzner
- Marc Patsiner
- Marcia Gascho
- Marcia Gascho
- Marcia Glaspie
- Marcia Hyche
- Marcia Johnson
- Marcia Rexroat
- Marcia Rexroat
- Marcie Chasney
- Marcie Chasney & Michael Clements
- Marcus Loidolt
- Marcy Carman
- Margaret Miller
- Margaret Piety
- Margaret Sonneborn
- Margy Bartley
- Maria Mabe
- Mariah Graves
- Mariah Graves
- Marianne S. Wokeck
- Marianne S. Wokeck
- Marie Glaspie
- Marilyn F. Schultz
- Marilyn Schenkel
- Marilyn Schultz
- Marina Rios
- Marina Rios
- Marion County Commission On Youth Inc.
- Marion Eldredge
- Marion Fowler
- Marisa Zambrano
- Mark & Andrea Mayfeild
- Mark & Sandra Morton
- Mark & Sandy Morton
- Mark and Debra Scoular
- Mark and Debra Scoular
- Mark and Debra Scoular
- Mark and Maureen Leyden
- Mark Bowen
- Mark Bowen & Family
- Mark Guyer
- Mark Hatfield
- Mark LaBarr
- Mark Mitchell
- Mark Saltsgaver
- Mark Thompson
- Mark Unland
- Markiewicz Financial Group
- Markiewicz Financial Group
- Marq
- Marq Montgomery & Family
- Marsa Harrington
- Marsha Coyner
- Marsha Day
- Marsha Day
- Marsha Rinehart
- Marshall Yeoman
- Marta L. Lawrence
- Marta Lawrence
- Marta Read
- Martha Bonds
- Martha Ellis
- Martha Swisher
- Martin and Kitty O'Donnell
- Marty Armbruster
- Marty Miles
- Marty Miles
- Marvin & Kelly Rowe
- Marvin & Priscilla Needler
- Marvin A. Needler
- Marvin Anderson
- Mary & Bo Walker
- Mary & Tom Grein
- Mary Ann Stipanovic
- Mary Ann Stipanovic
- Mary Beth Carmichael
- Mary Bookwalter
- Mary Brookshire
- Mary Carter
- Mary Carter
- Mary Colston
- Mary Davis
- Mary Grein
- Mary Harden
- Mary Jane Apple
- Mary Jenkins in Memory of Cathy Kelley
- Mary L. Hostetler
- Mary Lou Zone
- Mary M. Conway
- Mary Moore
- Mary Murray
- Mary Pouch
- Mary Smith
- Mary Templeton
- Mary Templeton
- MaryBeth Carmichael
- Massillamany Jeter & Carson
- Massillamany, Jeter & Carson LLC
- Match Corporation dba McDonald's Restaurant
- Matrix Fitness
- Matrix Fitness
- Matt & Heather Schaller
- Matt & Katrina Howard
- Matt & Katrina Howard
- Matt & Katrina Howard
- Matt and Brandi Freije
- Matt Cowden
- Matt Gall
- Matt Larson
- Matt MacDonald
- Matt Martin
- Matt Martin
- Matt Morwick
- Matt Seward
- Matt Street
- Matthew Brown
- Matthew Chalfant
- Matthew Dass
- Matthew Golitko
- Matthew Morwick
- Matthew Nowlan
- Matthew Sall
- Matthew Vogt
- Matthew Whitten
- Maura Cochran
- Maura Cochran
- Maureen and John Purcell
- Maurer Family Foundation
- Maurey Cundiff
- Maurice and Natalie Taylor
- Maurice Boler
- Maurice Taylor
- Maurice Turner, Jr.
- Max Walton
- Maya King
- Mayah Adams
- Mayor Joe Hogsett
- Mays Chemical Co, Inc.
- Mays Chemical Co.
- McCune & Malclonado
- McCune/Maldonado Family
- McIntyre Family
- McKinley Family
- McNevin & McInnes, LLP
- Medtronic
- Megan Klomp
- Meghan Weisenburger
- Meissner Family
- Melanie & Brian Elo
- Melanie Reichert
- Melanie Reichert
- Melanie Zigler
- Meleah Russell
- Melinda J Blakesley
- Melinda Blakesley
- Melinda Curtis
- Melinda English
- Melinda English
- Melinda Mears
- Melinda Mears
- Melinda Miller
- Melissa Bower
- Melissa Davis
- Melissa Wong
- Melody Briggs
- Mendoza Calix Law
- Merchants Capital
- Merchants Capital
- Meredith Salinas
- Meredith Supple
- Meridian Veterinary Clinic
- Meridian Veterinary Clinic
- Meridian Veterinary Clinic
- Meridian Veterinary Clinic
- Micahel & Cynthia Martin
- Michael & Anne O'Connor
- Michael & Blaise Giannamore
- Michael & Casey Trojnar
- Michael & Jill Guenther
- Michael & Meresa Armor
- Michael & Terri Grant
- Michael A. Reuter
- Michael and Anne O'Connor
- Michael and Anne O'Connor
- Michael and Donna Simerly
- Michael and Jill Guenther
- Michael and Krista Burtron
- Michael and Meresa Armor
- Michael and Meresa Armor
- Michael Bosway
- Michael Bottorff
- Michael Brubaker
- Michael Byrne
- Michael Cranfill
- Michael Davidson
- Michael E. Russell
- Michael Falker
- Michael Farris Jr.
- Michael Golub
- Michael Head
- Michael I. Saahir
- Michael Kenney
- Michael Lytle
- Michael McCann
- Michael McDole & Rachel Phillips
- Michael McMullen
- Michael McMullen
- Michael Muston
- Michael Pointer
- Michael Russel
- Michael Russo
- Michael Saahir
- Michael Shreves
- Michael Shreves
- Michael Simmons
- Michael W. Wells
- Michaela DiPalmo
- Michaela DiPalmo
- Michaela Knoll
- Michele Goodrich
- Michele Goodrich
- Michele Goodrich
- Michele Imler
- Michele Musson
- Michelle Angileri
- Michelle Birt & Alex Kruse
- Michelle Birt & Alex Kruse
- Michelle Fenoughty
- Michelle Keefe
- Michelle Knibbs & Kate Keesling
- Michelle Martin
- Michelle Mattingly-Lehmann
- Michelle Preston
- Michelle Robinson-Smith
- Michelle Schultz
- Michelle Schultz
- Michelle Zimmerman
- Michelle Zimmerman
- Michlene Broadney
- MidAmerica Jibworks
- MidAmerica Jibworks
- Midwest Center For Joint Replacement
- Midwest Center For Joint Replacement
- Midwest Mole, Inc.
- Miicah Lewis
- Mike & Connie Mattingly
- Mike & Cristy Keller
- Mike & Jacquie Reed
- Mike & Kaylee Quilling
- Mike & Kim Broughton
- Mike & Sue Smith
- Mike & Sue Smith
- Mike & Sue Smith
- Mike & Suzanne Copper
- Mike & Suzanne Copper
- Mike & Suzanne Copper
- Mike and Juli Ellis
- Mike and Julie Metzger
- Mike and Julie metzger
- Mike and Kim Broughton Charity Fund
- Mike and Terry Jacki
- Mike Cunningham
- Mike Darling
- Mike Dooley Pest Control
- Mike Dooley Pest Control
- Mike Freije and Andrea Webster
- Mike Koon
- Mike Leonard
- Mike Leonard
- Mike Lindbloom
- Mike McCann
- Mike Muston
- Mike Reardon
- Mike Reardon
- Mike Sanders
- Mike Shadoan
- Mildred B. Catterlin
- Miles Grifo
- Miles Grifo
- Miller Transportation
- Miller Transportation
- Minh L. Pham
- Minh Pham
- Missy Welling
- Missy Welling
- Mistie Timmons
- Mistie Timmons
- Molly Burns
- Molly Denien
- Molly Hadley
- Molly Hadley
- Molly Hadley Team
- Molly Marie
- Molly Russo
- Mom and Dad
- Monic R. Hill
- Monic R. Hill
- Monic R. Hill
- Monica & Gus Pulos
- Monica Huffman
- Monica Pulos
- Monica Richardson
- Monica Tyler
- Monica Tyler
- Monique McMillian
- Monte D. Bailey
- Montgomery Meeks
- Moo & Lou Frozen Treats and More
- Moore Restoration
- Moose Lodge 17
- Mr and Mrs Robert Gudgel
- Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Thomas
- Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hennessey
- Mr. & Mrs. Terry Reynolds
- Mr. & Ms. Jeffrey L. Henry
- Mr. and Mrs. Matt and Hannah Ott
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Walt
- Mr. and Mrs. Terry Reynolds
- Mr. Brian Keyes
- Mr. Christopher Doehring
- Mr. Greg Bogan
- Mr. Greg Buikema
- Mr. Gregory & Mrs. Mary Huebner
- Mr. James G. and Dr. Karen M. Wolf
- Mr. James G. and Dr. Karen McEnroe Wolf
- Mr. John R. Robinson
- Mr. Michael Bosway
- Mr. Michael Bouton
- Mr. Paul St. Angelo
- Mr. Scott Sladek
- Mr. Ted Sturges
- Mr. Tony Hahn
- Mr. William Doggett
- Mr.& Ms. Robert Whitman
- Mrs. Stacy Myers
- Ms. Autumn Reinbold
- Ms. Martha Brooks
- Ms. Melissa Livers
- Ms. Teia Sebree
- MSD of Lawrence Township
- MSD of Lawrence Township
- MSD of Warren Township
- MSD of Warren Township
- Msikinya
- Mutual Savings Bank
- Myers Family Foundation
- mylogoshop.com - George Sanburn
- Myra Rusmanis
- Nancy & David Chance
- Nancy & Kevin Armstrong
- Nancy A. Chapman
- Nancy Chance
- Nancy Collins
- Nancy H. Shaw
- Nancy Hugon
- Nancy Hull
- Nancy Hull
- Nancy Kmiecik
- Nancy Lyon Finlayson
- Nancy M. Short
- Nancy Neal
- Nancy Pinard
- Nancy Short
- Nancy Short
- Nancy Short
- Nancy Smith
- Nancy Turner
- Nancy Turner
- Nancy Werner
- Nanina Ferris
- Nash and Hadley Lechner
- Natalie Lay
- Natalie Rearick
- Natalie Walker
- Natasha Bellak
- Natasha Bellak
- Nate Bohanan
- Nate Smith
- Nathan & Deborah Oatts
- Nathan Lazzell
- National Association of Community Development Extension Prof
- National Christian Foundation Indiana
- National Christian Foundation Ohio
- Nedra Feeley
- Neil Damron
- Neil Deardorff
- Network For Good
- Network For Good
- Nichelle Davidson
- Nicholas Arcoleo
- Nicholas Cortolillo
- Nicholas H. Noyes, Jr. Memorial Foundation
- Nicholas Klein
- Nicholas Southwood
- Nicholas Tranbarger
- Nichole Naprstek
- Nick & Amy Petrone
- Nick & Jo Anne Rutigliano
- Nick and Jo Anne Rutigliano
- Nick and Jo Anne Rutigliano
- Nick and Natalie Torres
- Nick Arcoleo
- Nick Cunningham
- Nick Katrakis
- Nick Melvin
- Nick Threlkeld & Family
- Nick Threlkeld & Family
- Nicole Moore
- Nicole Moore
- Nicole Schmidt
- Nicole Sonn
- Nicole Sonn
- Nicole Thomas
- Nicole Warn
- Nicole Warn
- Nikki Barrett
- Nikki Green
- Nikki Richards
- Noah Bowen
- Noblesville Adult Swim Team
- Noblesville Adult Swim Team
- Nola Gregg
- Nolita Stewart
- Nora Zarvos L.C.S.W.
- Norman Bowden
- Norman McKay
- Norman Phillibert
- Norman Phillibert
- Norris & MaLes Lineweaver
- Norris and Males Lineweaver
- North Salem State Bank
- North Salem State Bank
- Noyed Family
- Nutrien Ag Solutions
- O'Neal Majors
- O'neal MAJORS
- Oak Motors, Inc.
- Oak Motors, Inc.
- Oak Street Health
- Old National Bank
- Old National Bank
- Oliver Nelson
- Olivia Richardson
- Omar Johnson
- On Behalf of Donna Metallic
- One Fellowship Church
- One Fellowship Church
- One John Deere
- One Point
- OneAmerica Foundation
- ORL Foundation
- OrthoIndy Foundation
- Oscar Griffith
- Otavio, Amanda, Zahara and Benicio Oliveira
- Otis Kirkpatrick
- Oxford Financial Group, LTD
- Oxford Financial Group, LTD
- P&P Home Services, LLC
- Pacers Sports & Entertainment
- Pacers Sports & Entertainment
- Pache Family
- Paige Wieringa
- Paivi Blanchard
- Pam (Pratt) Ratz in memory of James H. Pratt
- Pam & Derek Dechert
- Pam & Gary Jursik
- Pam & Gary Staver
- Pam Abraham
- Pam and Derek Dechert
- Pam Holland
- Pam Landwerlen
- Pam, Derek and Brodie Dechert
- Pamela Anderson
- Pamela Anderson
- Pamela Gossett
- Pamela Graves
- Pamela L. McCullough
- Pamela Staver
- Pampered Chef
- Parker Albertson
- Parkmobile, LLC
- Parmelee Consulting Group
- Parr Richey Frandsen Patterson Kruse
- Parr Richey Frandsen Patterson Kruse
- Parr Richey Frandsen Patterson Kruse
- Parr Richey Frandsen Patterson Kruse
- Pastor Craig White
- Pastor Craig White
- Pastor Dean & Mrs. Betty Bouzeos
- Pat & Ginny Maher
- Pat & Ginny Maher
- Pat & Virginia Maher
- Pat Dhahir
- Pat Hagan
- Pat Hagan
- Pathway Resource Center, Inc.
- Pathway Resource Center, Inc.
- Patricia Dhahir
- Patricia Earle
- Patricia Fansler
- Patricia K. Kinney
- Patricia Kinney
- Patricia Officer
- Patricia Roark
- Patricia Shelton
- Patricia Shelton-Trotter
- Patrick
- Patrick & Pam Sherman
- Patrick & Pam Sherman
- Patrick & Virginia Maher
- Patrick Mikusky
- Patrick Millikan
- Patrick Winn
- Patsy J Mellott Charitable Foundation, a Donor Advised Fund of The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
- Patt Dyke
- Patterson Horth, Inc. c/o Mark Thomas
- Patty Broderick
- Patty Broderick
- Patty Hebenstreit
- Patty Hefner
- Patty Jones
- Paul & Lana Kruse
- Paul & Lana Kruse
- Paul & Lana Kruse
- Paul & Nicki Felix
- Paul & Nicki Felix
- Paul Cannaley
- Paul Cannaley
- Paul Corsaro
- Paul Everling
- Paul Fangman
- Paul J Corsaro
- Paul J. Wheeler
- Paul Santello
- Paul St. Angelo
- Paul W. Smith
- Paula Hardin
- Paula Hardin and Family
- Paula Oatts
- Paula R Parker
- Paula Shrote
- Peggy Breidenbach
- Peggy Roederer
- Penny Schmidt
- Perry & Emily Wright
- Perry Griffith
- Pete Cleveland
- Peter & Sandy Obremskey
- Peter Cleveland
- Peter Cleveland
- Peter Karalis
- Peter L. Obremskey
- Peter mm Kendall
- Phenomenal Woman Unlimited, LLC
- Philip & Betsy Roby
- Phillip Anderson
- Phillip Cree
- Phyllis & David Ferrell and Family
- Phyllis Long
- Pike Township Educational Foundation
- Pike Township Trustee
- Pike Township Trustee
- Pitney Bowes
- Pitney Bowes
- Pittman Legal and Tax Advisors
- Pittman Legal and Tax Advisors
- PNC Foundation
- Polly G. Nicely
- Portia Clark
- Powell Indiana
- Precise Development LLC
- Priscilla Campbell
- Priscilla Campbell
- Priscilla Keith
- Priscilla Keith
- Pro-Tek Photography
- Pro-Tek Photography, Inc.
- Property Pros Land Management, LLC
- Property Pros Land Management, LLC
- Protective Finishes Painting LLC
- Protective Finishes Painting, LLC
- Protiviti Inc.
- Prudence Payne-Taylor
- Pyrimont
- Quake Pletcher
- Quake Pletcher
- Quality Leasing
- Quinn Buckner
- R. Douglas Walker
- Race Roster USA Inc.
- Rachael Urso
- Rachael Vaught
- Rachel Bova
- Rachel Campbell
- Rachel Gerver
- Rachel Hedges
- Rachel Kennedy
- Rachel Kennedy
- Rachel Mitchell
- rachel Newcom
- Rachel Newcom
- Rachel Phillips
- Rachel Raymond
- Rachel Smith
- Rachel Terrill
- Rad Scott
- Raena Alexis Latina
- Raena Alexis Latina
- Raena Latina
- Ragan Gum
- Ralph and Connie Meyer
- Ralph and Eleanor Christian
- Ralph Christian
- Ralph Kerwin Family
- Ramona Powell
- Rana Elayyan
- Randall A. Buikema
- Randall Ayers
- Randy & April Bordeau
- Randy & April Bordeau
- Randy & April Bordeau
- Randy & Brenda Irwin
- Randy & Janice Crutchfield
- Randy & Janice Crutchfield
- Randy & Janice Crutchfield
- Randy and Jean M Ezell
- Randy Ayers
- Randy Schoeff
- Randy Slaughter
- Ravichandran Family
- Ravichandran Family
- Ray Cox
- Ray's Trash Service
- Ray's Trash Service, Inc.
- Raymond and Cathy Jackson
- Raymond and Cathy Jackson
- Re'Nita O'Bannon
- RE/MAX Complete
- Reanne colson
- Rebecca Blackwood
- Rebecca Boyle
- Rebecca Branson
- Rebecca Branson
- Rebecca Maranto
- Rebecca Meier
- Rebecca Moore
- Rebecca Rendon
- Rebeccah Powell
- Reggie McGuire
- Reggie McGuire
- Regina L Jones
- Rehab Medical
- Rehab Medical, Inc. & Cork Medical LLC.
- REI Investments, Inc.
- REI Investments, Inc.
- Reliable Water Services
- Renee And Don Edwards
- Renee Edwards
- Renee Larson
- Renny Yeoman
- Renny Yeoman
- Republic Airways
- Republic Airways
- Republic Airways, Inc.
- Restoration Church - Lebanon
- Rev. C.E. Guthrie
- Rev. Johnny K. Cunningham
- Revilla Family
- Rex Fisher
- Rex Wiley
- Rex Wiley
- Rez Mollabashy
- RFS Group LLC
- RFS Group LLC
- Rhett Baumgartner
- Rhodman
- Rhonda Droblyn
- Rhonda Stahl
- Rianne Reyes
- Rica Hansing
- Rich Edwards Family
- Rich Edwards Family
- Rich Sherer
- Richard & Carol Schwartz
- Richard & Jane Warne
- Richard & Kristina Kocken
- Richard and Betty Darko
- Richard Darko
- Richard E Bender
- Richard Fradette
- Richard Gohman
- Richard Griffith
- Richard Griffith
- Richard Kraege Family
- Richard Kraege Family
- Richard M. Linton
- Richard Peck
- Richard Rader
- Richard Rardin
- Richard Rardin
- Richard Seats
- Richard Stutz
- Rick Chambers
- Rick Chambers Agency- Farmers Insurance
- Riley Feller
- RJE Business Interiors, Inc.
- RJE Business Interiors, Inc.
- RJE/Allsteel
- Rob & Susan Yonan
- Rob & Susan Yonan
- Rob and Heather Van Kleeck
- Robert Kaiser
- Robert & Ellen Lesburg
- Robert & Gerry Decraene
- Robert & Jana Millard
- Robert A. Terry
- Robert and Kathy Mikus
- Robert C. Holmes
- Robert D. Goyette
- Robert D. Risch
- Robert D. Swarts
- Robert Dehuth
- Robert Demuth
- Robert E. & Alice Dills
- Robert Goyette
- Robert H. & Arlene A. McKinney
- Robert H. McKinney
- Robert H. Taylor
- Robert Half
- Robert Half
- Robert Harwell
- Robert Irwin
- Robert Irwin
- Robert Jacob
- Robert Kirkpatrick
- Robert Knowling
- Robert S. Wynne
- Robert Schussler
- Robert Seelbach
- Robert Susemichel
- Robert Swarts
- Robert Thomas
- Robert W. Locke
- Robert Wynne
- Roberta L Thornley
- Robin and John Sullivan
- Robin and Tom Ledyard
- Robin and Tom Ledyard
- Robin Bankhead
- Robin Lanning
- Robin M. Spearmon
- Robin Seiple
- Robin Spearmon
- Robyn Landon
- Rockman et al Cooperative, Inc.
- Rocqui
- Roderick & Daune Conwell Family
- Roderick Conwell
- Rodger Smith
- Rodger Smith
- Rodney and Tameka O'Neal
- Rodney Mail
- Rodolfo Gonzalez
- Rodolfo M. Gonzalez
- Roger & Donna Neu
- Roger & Teresa Keller
- Roger and Donna Neu
- Roger and Teresa Keller
- Roger L. Wisley
- Roger Paulson
- Roger Wisley
- Roland Bacon
- Roller Cave Amusement, Inc.
- Ron and Deede Edele
- Ron and Julie Essington
- Ron and Kathy Simmonds
- Ron E. Hughes
- Ron Epple
- Ron Hughes
- Ron Hughes
- Ronald and Linda Epple
- Ronald Hicks
- Ronald L Nelson
- Roncalli Athletic Department
- Ronda K Henderson
- Ronika Bennett Pletcher
- Ronika Pletcher
- Ronnecia Smith
- Roscoe's Express Deliver LLC
- Rose Wernicke
- Roseanne Price
- Rosie Jones
- Rosie Pung
- Rosie Starks Jones
- Ross Christoph
- Ross Christoph & Nancy Kmiecik
- Rotary Club of Indpls NE
- Rotary International - Shelbyville Rotary Grant Fund
- Roxanne McGettigan
- Roya Porter
- Royce Taylor
- Rozella A. Adams-Taylor
- RunSignup
- Russ & Sue Handlon
- Russell Davis
- Russell Family
- Russell Handlon
- Russell Judd
- Rusty Hamner
- Ruth & Doug Endicott
- Ruth Ellsworth
- Ruth Ellsworth
- Ruth Fox
- Ruth Kain
- Ruth Lilly
- Ruth Lilly Philanthropic Foundation
- Ruth Lilly Philanthropic Foundation
- Ruth Padgett
- Ryan & Lori McKeown
- Ryan & Lori McKeown
- Ryan & Paige VanDort
- Ryan Bojrab
- Ryan Bojrab
- Ryan Crossley
- Ryan Iannucci
- Ryan Iannucci
- Ryan Jay
- Ryan Keener
- Ryan Tom
- Sabrina Burkert
- Salesforce
- SalesForce Foundation
- SalesForce Foundation
- Sally & Jerry E. Tanselle
- Sally Cleveland
- Sally Cleveland
- Sally Finical
- Sally Utterback
- Sam & Alexis Odle
- Sam & Alexis Odle
- Sam & Alexis Odle
- Sam and Ashley Bushemi
- Sam Mitchell
- Sam Sites
- Samah Alrefai
- Samantha Dula
- Samantha French
- Samantha Hargitt
- Samantha Roseman
- Samantha Schultz
- Samantha Schultz
- Samantha Smith
- Samson Amede and Yecenia Tostado
- Samuel Arce
- Samuel Mishelow
- Sandra Ruby
- Sandy Arles
- Sandy Douse
- Sandy Reed
- Sandy Tilton
- Santana Gonzalez
- Santana Gonzalez
- Santha S Stall
- Santha Stall
- Sara & David Lee
- Sara Brummitt
- Sara Flores
- Sarah and Eric Ward
- Sarah and Kent Iglehart
- Sarah Blackman
- Sarah Callahan
- Sarah DeKoekkoek
- Sarah Fisher
- Sarah Fisher
- Sarah Fisher
- Sarah Hill
- Sarah Hokanson
- Sarah Iglehart
- Sarah Jerrell
- Sarah Kennedy
- Sarah Kennedy
- Sarah L. Keck
- Sarah Myer
- Sarah Myer
- Sarah Noel
- Sarah Noonan
- Sarah Stoel
- Sarah Stumpf
- Sarah Ward
- Sarah Witzig
- Savanna Sears
- Savion Sprowl
- Scecina Memorial High School
- Scecina Memorial High School
- Schott Design
- Scientech Club Foundation
- Scott & Dee Hood
- Scott & Erin Maskel
- Scott & Kelly Beck
- Scott & Laura Sladek
- Scott & Laura Sladek
- Scott and Erin Maskel
- Scott and Erin Maskel
- Scott Barton
- Scott Blaustein
- Scott McNeany
- Scott Nichols
- Scott Preston
- Scott Putney
- Scott Wyndham
- Scott Wyndham
- Sean & Sarah Reaves
- Sean and Liz O'Farrell
- Sean Cheesman
- Securitas Security Services USA, Inc
- Select Physical Therapy
- Select Physical Therapy
- Seni Gonzalez
- Sereta Douse
- Sereta Douse
- Sertoma Club of Greenwood
- Seth Attinger CPA LLC
- Seth Attinger, CPA LLC.
- Seth Lampton
- Seth Seaton
- Shad Tidler
- Shad Tidler
- Shake Dog Salon
- Shalbe Waire
- Shana Perry
- Shana Perry
- Shandel Krauklis
- Shane & Sandra Shepherd
- Shane & Sandra Shepherd
- Shane & Sandra Shepherd
- Shane Olnick
- Shannon
- Shannon Alexander
- Shannon Russell & Family
- Shannon Russell and Family
- Shannon Smith
- Shannon Smith
- Shar's Medical Supplies
- Shar's Medical Supplies
- Share Our Strength
- Shariq Siddiqui
- Sharla Rhodes
- Sharon Robinson-Reed
- Sharon Semones
- Sharon Semones
- Shawn Bush
- Shawn Denney
- Shawn Marshall
- Shaye Kids Tasty Treats
- Shayla Thomas
- Sheila Riley
- Sheila Roesler
- Shelbie Pittman
- Shelbourne Knee Center - Don & Carol Shelbourne
- Shelbourne Knee Center - Don & Carol Shelbourne
- Shelbourne Knee Center - Don and Carol Shelbourne
- Shelby Materials
- Shelia Lingle
- Shelley & Milt Grissom
- Shelley Chamberlain
- Shelley Jackson
- Shelley Stewart
- Shelley Stewart
- Shelley Stewart
- Shelley Stewart
- Shellie Sturm
- Shellie Sturm
- Shelly King
- Shelly Walters
- Shepherd Community Church of the Nazarene
- Shepherd Community Church of the Nazarene
- Shereen Zellars
- Sheri Burk
- Sheri Hood
- Sheri J. Noer
- Sheri Wheeler
- Sherilee & Tom Bertellotti
- Sherolene Petty
- Sherri Baggett
- Sherri Bass
- Sherry DeMaire
- Sherry DeMaire
- Shirley Ashburner
- Shutterfly, LLC
- Shyla Simmonds
- Shyla Simmonds
- Sid Dale
- Sidney Eisgruber - Optimal Living LLC
- Silas Dust
- Simon Sangar
- Simone Gwion
- Ski Landscape Corporation
- Skillman Corp.
- Skillman Corporation
- Skillman Corporation
- Skillman Corporation
- Skye Wells
- Soehngen Family
- Soft Serve Treats LLC
- Sohna Duff
- Somerset CPAs, PC
- Somerset CPAs, PC
- Sondra Lanier
- Sonja Buckner-Marion
- Sonja Buckner-Marion
- Sonya Cowles
- Sonya Lechner
- Sophia & Luna Capehart
- Southeastern Swim Club
- SpartanNash Logistics
- SpartanNash Logistics
- Splunk
- Stacey Fuller
- Stacey Phelps
- Stacey Phelps
- Stacey Rivers-Blount
- Stacey Zoellner
- Stacie Colston
- Stacie Colston & Burton Patterson
- Stacie Warner
- Stacy Myers
- Stacy Richardt
- Stacy Wilson
- Stacy Wright
- Stanley Black & Decker
- Stanley Security Solutions, Inc.
- State Bank
- State Bank
- State Bank of Lizton
- State Employees' Community Campaign
- State Employees' Community Campaign
- State Farm Insurance- Connie Mortensen
- Steenbarger Family Living Trust
- Stephanie Beeker
- Stephanie Colston
- Stephanie Colston
- Stephanie Jackson
- Stephanie Joiner
- Stephanie Love-Patterson
- Stephanie Maehler
- Stephanie Nicole Williams
- Stephanie Stewart
- Stephen & Tamara Smith
- Stephen Briggs
- Stephen Corbitt
- Stephen Corbitt
- Stephen Corbitt
- Stephen Enkema
- Stephen Hendricks
- Stephen Henshaw
- Stephen Nash
- Stephen Van Soelen
- Stephen Van Soelen
- Stephie Guptill
- Stephon Jones
- Sterett & Janet Robertson
- Sterett Robertson
- Steve & Jane Pratt
- Steve & Jane Pratt
- Steve & Nancy Hull
- Steve & Terri Bradley
- Steve and Jan Strawbridge
- Steve and Lori Orander
- Steve and Mary DeVoe
- Steve Bradley
- Steve Broadwater
- Steve Broadwater
- Steve Broadwater
- Steve Burkhardt
- Steve Collier
- Steve Corbitt
- Steve Lancaster
- Steve Lingle
- Steve Lingle
- Steve Randall
- Steve Sorrel
- Steve Sweet
- Steve Wojcicki
- Steve Wojcicki
- Steven & Mary Beth Blaustein
- Steven Berg
- Steven Bowden
- Steven Bowden
- Steven J. Stapleton
- Steven K. Broadwater
- Steven Runyan
- Steven Stromquist
- Stifel/Endeavor Investment Group
- Stifel/Endeavor Investment Group
- Stifel/Endeavor Investment Group
- Stoops Buick GMC
- Stoops Buick GMC
- Strada Education Network, Inc.
- Stratus
- Stratus
- Studio G LLC
- Sue & Dick Tempero
- Sue & Dick Tempero
- Sue Ellen Richardson
- Sue G. Watson
- Sue Stutz
- Sue Thomson
- Sun King Brewing Company LLC
- Sunrise Christian Academy Child Care Inc.
- Sunshine E. Stillwell
- Susan & John Parrish-Sprowl
- Susan Fleck
- Susan Freeman
- Susan Friedman
- Susan Garriott
- Susan Gentry
- Susan Grant
- Susan Rains and Mick Vaughan
- Susan Robinson
- Susan Romie
- Susan Roseman
- Susan Rutherford
- Susan Rutherford
- Susie and Bill Koriath
- Susie Patton
- Susie Patton
- Suzanne P. Fuse
- Suzanne Rockwell
- Suzanne Zybert
- Swisher Foundation
- Sycamore Reserve Independent Senior Living
- Sydney Heitmann
- Sylvia Berzins
- Sylvia Douse
- Sylvia Moffitt
- Synergize LLC
- Tabitha Gilliam Family
- Tactive
- Tactive
- Taj Woods-Sutherlin
- Tajah Courtwright
- Tamara Smith
- Tami Mays
- Tamicka DeBerry
- Tammy and Rick Oser
- Tammy Huehls
- Tammy Jousset
- Tangela Floyd
- Tanisha Shaw
- Tanner Williams
- Tanya Coltrain
- Tanya Coltrain
- Tanyetta Sampson
- Tara Billingsley
- Tara Wilson
- Tasha M. Bell-Hunter
- Taste Wellbeing
- Tavia Rutledge
- Taylor Williams
- Taylor Williams
- Tea Unwrapped
- Tea Unwrapped
- Teachers Credit Union
- Teachers Credit Union
- Team Harris 14
- Teamwork Guitar
- Tech Electronics of Indiana
- Tech Electronics of Indiana
- Ted Sturges
- Teresa & Mark Lubbers
- Teresa & Mark Lubbers
- Teresa & Mark Lubbers
- Teresa Altemeyer
- Teresa Cochran
- Teresa Hunckler
- Teresa Keller
- Teresa Phelps
- Teresa Quant-Callender
- Terrell Sparks
- Terri and Steve
- Terri Czajka
- Terri L. Apple
- Terri Ruff
- Terri Selmier
- Terry and Charlotte Miller
- Terry and Chris Denari
- Terry and Cynthia Kirkpatrick
- Terry and Cynthia Kirkpatrick
- Terry and Julie Reynolds
- Terry Anderson
- Terry Judy For Sheriff
- Terry L. Anderson
- Terry Miller
- Terry Small
- Terry Zoubul
- Terry Zoubul in Memory of Jo Mitchell
- Tessa French
- The Ali and Clayton Cook Fund
- The Alvey Family
- The Bishop Family
- The Blue Family
- the Brilliant Family
- The Byrne Family
- The Camire Family
- The City Club of Indianapolis
- The Colston Patterson Family
- The Condict Family
- The Curran Family
- The Custer Family
- The Dentists at Gateway Crossing
- The Estate of Elizabeth M. Dale
- The Farmers Bank
- The Farmers Bank
- The Farmers Bank
- The Fowler Family
- The Friends
- The Glick Family Foundation
- The Gould Family
- The Griffith Family Foundation
- The Guenther Family
- The Guenther Family
- The Hanson Family Fund
- The Hanson Family Fund
- The Holz Family
- The Holz Family
- The Holz Family
- The Howell & Elkins Family
- The Howell & Elkins Family
- The Kirch Family
- The Kittle Foundation (Rhonda Kittle)
- The LaMotte Family
- The Max and MaryAnn Ruegger Fund
- The McIntyre Family
- The Morse Family
- The Morse Family
- The Munn Family Foundation
- The Nicholson Family
- The Noel Family
- The Noel Family
- The Noyed Family
- The Palmer Family Foundation Trust
- The Parmelee Family
- The Parmelee Family
- The Phoenix Group
- The Phoenix Group
- The Plumb Family
- The Poore Organization
- The Rake Family
- The Reedy Family
- The Scott Putney and Susan Sawyer Chartitable Fund
- The Singh Family
- The Sycamore at Mallow Run
- The United States Army
- The Upton Family
- The White Family
- The Wieringa Family
- The Wood Family
- The Workz LLC
- The Young Family
- Thea Kelly
- Thea Kelly
- Theresa Bonar
- Theresa Carender
- Theresa K. Zoubul
- Theresa Murray
- Theresa Murray
- Theresa Murray
- Theresa Stephenson
- Theresa Thompson
- Think Ahead Studios LLC
- Thomas & Margaret Koehler
- Thomas and Madeline Crowe
- Thomas Bast
- Thomas C. & Amy E. Perrin Living Trust
- Thomas Casburn
- Thomas J. Maas
- Thomas Jackson
- Thomas Koehler
- Thomas Lyons
- Thomas Maurath
- Thomas Mote, M.D.
- Thomas O'Neil
- Thomas Parr
- Thomas Shareah
- Thomas Snow
- Thomas Snow
- Thomas Whittaker
- Thrivent Financial
- Tianna Upton
- Tiffanie Turpen
- Tiffany C. Hatfield
- Tiffany Creedon
- Tiffany Hatfield
- Tiffany Thomas
- Tiffany Vivo
- Tim & Jenn Hopper
- Tim & Diana Martin
- Tim & Ginny Zender
- Tim & Kate McSoley
- Tim and Diana Martin
- Tim and Diana Martin
- Tim and Ginny Zender
- Tim Beloat
- Tim Beloat
- Tim Hanson
- Tim McSoley
- Tim Wickard
- Tim Wickard
- Timothy & Charlotte Pitts
- Timothy & Diana Martin
- Timothy & Susan Garvin
- Timothy Robb
- Timothy Teeple
- Tina Connor
- Tina LaGrotte
- Tina LaGrotte
- Tina LaGrotte
- Tina Nichols
- Tina R. Nichols
- Tina Robinson
- Tivity Health
- Tobi Planck
- Tod Bassler
- Todd & Courtney Bertrand
- todd bertrand
- Todd McMullen
- Todd Raker
- Todd Raker
- Tom & Bonnie Reilly
- Tom & Bonnie Reilly
- Tom & Bonnie Reilly
- Tom & Debbie Steinmetz
- Tom & Janie Herman
- Tom & Jenny Kilian
- Tom & Jenny Kilian
- Tom & Jenny Kilian
- Tom & Judy Cunningham
- Tom & Karen Vanneman
- Tom & Maggie Denari
- Tom & Maggie Denari
- Tom & Maggie Denari
- Tom & Marge Crouch
- Tom & Marge Crouch
- Tom and Marge Crouch
- Tom and Sherilee Bertellotti
- Tom Britt
- Tom Coltrain
- Tom Crouch
- Tom Cunningham
- Tom Daeger
- Tom Davidson
- Tom Davidson
- Tom E. McSoley
- Tom Ferris
- Tom Flegel
- Tom Herman
- Tom Pratt
- Tom Pratt
- Tom Rich
- Tom Rich
- Tom Rich
- Tom Scamahorn
- Tom Steinmetz
- Tom Vanneman
- Tom Wolf
- Tom Wood Automotives
- Toni Layer
- Toni Lin
- Toniann Dudley
- Tony & Allison Pearson
- Tony & Ann Satterthwate
- Tony & Ann Satterthwate
- Tony & Ilona Palomba
- Tony A. Kirkland
- Tony C. Pearson
- Tony Chen
- Tony Chen
- Tony Long
- Tony Lopez
- Tony Lorenzano
- Tony Wise
- Tony Wise
- Tonya Thayer
- Tonya Thayer
- Tory David
- Tosin Ratchford
- Tracey Danner-Odenwelder
- Traci Larrison
- Traci Larrison
- Traci Nicholson
- Tracy & Melinda Williamson
- Tracy Meckauskas
- Tracy Whetstone
- Tracy Whetstone
- Traders Point Market
- Trevor Shields
- Trevor Shields
- Tricia Rake
- Tropical Smoothie Cafe
- Tropical Smoothie Cafe
- Troy perkins
- Troy Williams
- True North Ventures, Inc.
- TWG Development, Construction, Management
- TWG Development, LLC
- TWG Development, LLC
- TWM Consulting, LLC
- Tyler Brown
- Tyler Shorter
- UBS Financial Services
- UBS Financial Services
- UBS Matching Gifts Program
- UBS Matching Gifts Program
- Uncle Bill's Pet Center
- Uni First Corp
- Unifirst Corp
- United Way of Bartholomew County
- United Way of Bartholomew County
- United Way of Central Indiana
- United Way Suncoast
- United Way Suncoast
- University of Indianapolis
- University of Indianapolis (MICI-AHEC)
- University of Indianapolis (MICI-AHEC)
- Ursula Tatum
- US Army Recruiting
- US Army Recruiting
- Val Anichini
- Valerie & George Anichini
- Valerie & George Anichini
- Valerie K. Redmon-Rhea
- Valvoline
- Valvoline - Noblesville
- Van Ausdall & Farrar
- Van Valer Law Firm, LLP
- Van Valer Law Firm, LLP
- Vanessa Crowe
- Vanessa S. Stiles
- Vanessa Stiles
- Vanity Johnson
- Vaughnie Slipher
- Vaughnie Slipher
- Veda Perry
- Verisk Analytics
- Verisk Analytics
- Versatile Cleaning Group
- Versatile Cleaning Group
- Vick Law, PC
- Vicki Gale
- Vicki Gale
- Vicki Raimey
- Vicki Raimey
- Vickie Bott
- Vickie Spickelmire
- Vicky Lynn Erwin
- Victor Holove Family
- Victoria Hartman
- Victory Sun, Inc.
- Vincent Dora
- Vincent Markowicz
- Virginia Taft
- Vision Painting
- Visit Hendricks County
- Visit Hendricks County
- Vrabec Insurance
- Vulcan Fire Protection
- Wade Riedinger
- Walker Professional Insurance
- Walker Professional Insurance
- Walker Professional Insurance
- WalkerHughes Insurance
- WalkerHughes Insurance
- WalkerHughes Insurance Nick Threlkeld
- Walter H. & Kathryn K. Huehl
- Walter Steele
- Walter Steele
- Warren Dukes
- Warren Township GOP Club
- Warren Township Trustee Corporation
- Warren Township Trustee Corporation
- Wayne & Anne Taylor
- Wayne and Melissa Rinker
- Wayne and Melissa Rinker
- Wayne Hash
- Wayne Patrick
- Wayne Patrick
- Wendy Barone
- Wendy Chambers
- Wendy Dragoo
- Wendy Waugh
- Wentico & Company
- Wentico and Company
- West Bend Mutual Insurance Company
- West Bend Mutual Insurance Company
- West Landscaping
- West Landscaping
- Westside Garden Plaza
- Whitaker Engineering
- Whitney Trent
- Wilbert Vault Company
- Wilbert Vault Company
- Wilbur H. & Florence R. Peck
- Will Longstreet
- William & Ilonka Herber
- William & Linda Renner
- William & Paivi Blanchard
- William A. Boncosky
- William A. Meserve
- William and Susan Nuss
- William Blanchard
- William Buffie
- William Doggett
- William Holwager
- William J. & R. Jean Beard
- William J. Goodwin
- William Perry
- William S. Clark
- William Stevens
- Williams, Barrett and Wilkowski
- Willie Clark
- Wills Electric Group
- WindRose Health Network
- WIndRose Health Network
- Wiseman Logistics LLC
- Wiseman Logistics LLC
- Witham Health Services
- Witham Health Services
- Witham Health Services
- Witham Health Services
- Witham YMCA Coffee Club
- Witham YMCA Coffee Club
- Wood-Mizer Products, Inc.
- Wood-Mizer Products, Inc.
- Woodland Terrace of Danville
- Woodley Farra Manion Portfolio Management, Inc.
- Woodley Farra Manion Portfolio Mgmt, Inc
- Woody & Dana Austin
- Wylene Patterson
- ychurch
- YMCA of the USA
- YogaSix Indianapolis
- York Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram of Plainfield
- York Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram of Plainfield
- York Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram of Plainfield
- York Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram of Plainfield
- Young & Laramore
- Young & Laramore
- Your Image Works INC
- Youthsport All-In LLC
- Yvonne Culpepper
- Zac Boersema
- Zac Boersema
- Zach Canada
- Zach Canada
- Zach Canada
- Zach Gordon & Carlie Irsay-Gordon
- Zach Gordon & Carlie Irsay-Gordon
- Zach Harms
- Zachary Watts
- Zane Roberts
- Zena Van Galloway
- Zoey Skiles
- Zoey Spengler
- Zola Lucas
- Zulu Airline Systems
- Zurbuch Development | Construction Consulting
- Zurbuch Development/Construction Consulting