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Witham Free Safety Around Water Classes

Free Water Safety Classes
To help keep kids safe, we have 15 spots open for free “Safety Around Water” classes for ages 5-12 from Sept. 3 – 5 at the Witham Family YMCA. In three, half-hour classes, the Y’s certified swim instructors will teach children basic safety skills and concepts, such as jump, push, turn, grab and swim, float and swim.
Classes will be offered at 4:30 p.m. each day.
Registration is required for this free program. Register online or in person at the Y by Aug. 31.
“America’s Swim Instructor”
Safety Around Water teaches basic water awareness skills, but is not a substitute for learning how to swim. Swim lessons are always available for a fee. Known as “America’s Swim Instructor,” the Y also offers swim teams,clinics,water fitness classes,certifications and training and many more aquatics programs year-round. Scholarships are available for these programs.
Tickets: https://apm.activecommunities.com/indymca/Activity_Search?detailskeyword=Safety+around+water&IsAdvanced=True&ddlSortBy=Activity+name&ActivitySiteID=52&DaysOfWeek=0000000&SearchFor=2&SearchLevelID=2&maxAge=100&NumberOfItemsPerPage=50&IsSearch=true.

YMCA of Greater Indianapolis