The following is the story of how Fishers YMCA Member Cyndi rebounds, and her journey back from a difficult ankle and leg injury.
Cyndi was able to walk again thanks to her hard work and dedication to staying fit. The story was submitted as part of the "Inspire Us" series. Enjoy!
In January 2017, I slipped on sidewalk ice. The fall dislocated and broke my right ankle and caused a compound fracture of my leg. Reconstructive surgery included 2 plates and 12 pins. Post- surgery required five months of physical therapy. Through the talent, effort, and support of many, I was able to walk again without assistance. Doctors advised that my ankle function would always be diminished causing activity limitations.
What limitations?
I decided on Fishers YMCA personal training because I have never been fond of ‘limitations’ and never expected that I could not return to activities as usual and playing with our young grandchildren. As I finished physical therapy, I did not know how to approach my next recovery goals. Personal Training at the Y changed all of that for the best.
I have experienced all of these benefits from personal training:
- Physical improvement in strength, endurance, and rebuilding muscle, gradual, and steady.
- Creativity in activities. One-on-one education in equipment use, and correct exercise form. Stretching and counter-measures that minimized sore muscles in the days following personal training sessions.
- Encouragement and support with every exercise completion; with every improvement no matter how small.
- Trust in my trainer, Julie Kenny, and her knowledge of the body and exercise including her consideration of my injury. Julie partnered with me towards successfully taking my long-planned trip to several National Parks.
Trainer, coach, friend
I am confident that without Julie Kenny as my trainer I would not have made such progress toward my goals. Julie provides me with everything I could ask for in a personal trainer, coach and friend. She is someone who listens, who adjusts the plan, who provides encouragement, and who is there for me every session with an inquiry on my well-being, a professional, get-to-work attitude, and a physically challenging plan uniquely for me.