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Alarmed by doctor’s warning, Bass Went from 295 to 165 Pounds

February 8, 2018
Member Kevin Bass photo

“Sheer determination and God’s support gave me the strength to be healthy and active again,” says, Kevin Bass.

Kevin Bass has been a member at the Ransburg YMCA since the summer of 2017. He loves the friendly atmosphere and courteous staff. Following a doctor's warning Kevin’s journey from being 295 pounds, having high blood pressure (BP levels), alarmingly high sugar levels with an A1C of 13 to reducing his weight today to 165 pounds, stable BP levels and the A1C reduced to 5.8, is nothing short of a miracle.

The Doctor's Warning

In Dec. 2016, doctors told Kevin he would not live long with his high sugar levels, increasing risk of heart failure and inactive life style. Kevin was alarmed. He decided to take positive actions to live healthier. He changed his diet from junk food to eating only veggies, food rich with protein and fiber. From his experience, when it comes to a good lifestyle of healthy eating habits, “Anything nasty is good, anything good is bad for you!”

Less stress, more energy

Kevin not only reduced his weight and now has a normal A1C but also feels much more refreshed, his metabolism has increased, and he feels less stressed and more energetic. He works out every day 1-2 hours, follows a strict diet and is ecstatic. He loves doing cardio and rotates the use of other wellness equipment. The variety of cardio options at the Ransburg Y has kept Kevin motivated. Changing up his cardio keeps exercise entertaining. His endocrinologist was surprised with his transformation, and now he does not have to take Trulicity anymore to maintain his sugar levels.

"Believe in God and yourself."

When asked what message he wants to give others who might be suffering from poor health, Kevin says, “I don’t expect anyone to follow me, but you need to take your life seriously if you want to LIVE.” Kevin says just believe in God and yourself. He quotes from the bible, ‘I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.’ Philippians 4 : 13

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Member Kevin Bass photo

Alarmed by doctor’s warning, Bass Went from 295 to...

“Sheer determination and God’s support gave me the strength to be healthy and active again.” Says Kevin Bass.

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