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Paula Stays Active and Ageless with Exercise

April 19, 2019

Before retiring at age 67, Paula was sedentary, sitting at a desk and in a car 10-11 hours daily. Lack of exercise and hardly any physical activity led her to develop chronic asthma, arthritis, high blood pressure and morbid obesity. Due to pain in her hands from arthritis, Paula had to give up her hobbies of crocheting and sewing. She knew she needed to make a lifestyle change.

Finding a new routine

Shortly after retirement, Paula joined the Hendricks Regional Health YMCA through the Silver Sneakers program through her insurance. She was new to exercise and started with cardio and strength equipment but was not enjoying her workouts or seeing progress. After talking with friends, she decided to add Arthritis water aerobics to her routine. Soon after consistently attending classes, she noticed that her endurance had improved, and best of all, her hands felt better and could pursue her hobbies again.

You can do this!

Encouraging "you can do this!" and "this is your class!" comments from instructors kept her motivated and she fell in love with water aerobics. She can now participate in more intense water fitness classes. Getting in better physical condition has paid off in many ways for Paula. She rarely needs to use an inhaler for her asthma, her blood pressure has normalized, she can keep up with her friends and has lost 50 lbs.!

Last, but certainly not least, Paula has made new friends with other members and the YMCA staff.

"All I can say is THANK YOU! You have literally saved my life! I will always be grateful!"

[caption id="attachment_14036" align="alignnone" width="300"]Paula before - hiding behind her desk Paula before - hiding behind her desk[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_14037" align="alignnone" width="300"]Paula after - enjoying being active on vacation Paula after - enjoying being active on vacation[/caption]

Participating in regular exercise like Paula can boost energy levels and mood, help manage illness or pain, maintain weight and keep you independent.

Exercise for seniors has both health and mental benefits.

Physical health benefits

  • Helps you maintain or lose weight by increasing metabolism and building muscle, helping to burn more calories.
  • Reduces the impact of illness and chronic disease.
  • Enhances strength, mobility and flexibility, which will help with balance, coordination and reducing the risk of falls.

Mental health benefits

  • Helps you sleep better, therefore, you wake feeling more energetic and refreshed.
  • Relieves stress and tension.
  • Improves your mood because of the production of endorphins, reducing feelings of sadness, depression or anxiety.

Many options for older adults

The YMCA is here to help keep you moving and building lasting relationships to stay healthy in all areas of life.

[caption id="attachment_14035" align="alignnone" width="500"] Shallow Water Aerobics[/caption]

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YMCA of Greater Indianapolis