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TBI Survivor Finds Strength, Confidence Through Personal Training

February 1, 2021

Personal training provides physical and mental benefits

In February of 2014, at the age of 26, Brian suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) that left him with balance and gait issues, a fear of falling and a left arm tremor. Brian joined the YMCA in December of 2018 and works out with a personal trainer three times a week in addition to seeing a chiropractor.

Of everything Brian has gone through in his recovery, joining the YMCA and working out with his personal trainer, Lisa Gill, has brought about the most positive results. He enjoys working out, always looks forward to going to the Y and works hard.

The physical results of working out with Lisa have brought Brian to a new level of recovery. He is more independent when walking, has greater confidence in what he can do and has less fear of falling.

“The road to recovery has not been easy, but it brought Brian to the YMCA and that is a blessing,” says Lisa.

The mental results of working out at the Y are as great for Brian as the physical results. Brian walks into the Y and sees friends. He knows people by name and they know him by name too. The YMCA has brought a normalcy back into Brian's life. He can do what others are doing and it makes him feel good about himself.

“The YMCA is a safe place for clients of all diversities,” says Lisa.

Brian has lost 20 lbs. and gained muscle mass. Most importantly, he now has confidence in his mobility. Before his accident, Brian loved to golf. Thanks to his improved strength and mobility, he was able to start golf lessons over the summer.

“I feel changed. It’s so weird - being so mobile is so unusual. I feel happy in my new found mobility,” says Brian.

Personal trainers are here to support each client's goals

YMCA personal trainer Lisa, is passionate about working with TBI survivors like Brian.

“This population is breaking ground to build Indiana’s first traumatic brain injury residential center - Villa Licci,” says Lisa. “Creating a program design for a traumatic brain injury client is specific to each individual’s fitness repertoire. We work alongside chiropractors, behavioral therapists and physical therapists. Together we work so that this community has the ability to live independently.”

Our personal trainers are here to support each individual in their personal goals, from strength to weight loss and, perhaps most importantly, confidence. Request your free Personal Training Quick Start session today and gain support for your goals.

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