A Journey To Better Health
Like many people who come from a low-income family, I was anxious at a young age to get my adult life started. That led me to make adult decisions as a teenager. Which I didn’t do very well. By the time I was twenty years old I had three children of my own and I had no formal education. After three years in the military and with the help of the GI bill I attended IUPUI here locally. But because I did not take advantage of the primary school years 1 through 12 education, I was unable to obtain any type of college degree.
God always has a plan and somehow while I was trying to make money for my family, I was given an opportunity to work at a prominent downtown real estate company as a maintenance person. I started noticing how the building was being managed and so I started making suggestions on how we can make things more efficient and cost-effective. Three years later, I was offered a management position and then very quickly I became director of operations and then eventually I became President of the management company itself.
During all this time I never paid attention to the most valuable thing that I had which was my personal health. Fast forward forty years and 9 children, 14 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren later, I thought I was taking good care of myself. I was walking, watching my diet but still not focused on my physical and mental health. May 26th 2023, I had a medical event called a CVA or a stroke. I woke up in the hospital and my entire left side was paralyzed, needless to say I was scared like never before. With my family's love and support and after four weeks of rehab at the hospital, I was able to leave the hospital with the assistance of a walker. During my outpatient rehab one of my daughters suggested going to the YMCA. WOW, what a blessing that was and still is.
In the beginning of visiting I was intimated and would only look in the window of the wellness center. One day while I was looking in the window Tony waved me in and that began my real journey to recovery. Through my love for my family as inspiration and the help from the YMCA I quickly didn’t need the assistance of my walker or cane and I’ve been walking without any assistance since. Now I’m involved in gaining not only my original strength but the strength I never had before this event which includes, not just physical but mental healing as well. I felt so strongly, about the YMCA that I wanted to become part of the process to help others. I was able join the YMCA staff part-time and I enjoy that I am able to make a difference in others’ lives like the YMCA has mine. I want to thank everyone and anyone connected to the YMCA for all the love and support.
You can make a difference for others by donating to the YMCA Annual Campaign!