Millions of Americans set resolutions at this time of year. I'm sure you've even got a few jotted down. You've made that first step, now let the YMCA help you keep those resolutions. Watch this clip from RTV-6 and check out the info below!
- Keep your ultimate goal in mind, but set small benchmark goals that you can achieve along the way.
- When you set goals, set SMART goals
Specific - simple, sensible, significant
Measurable - meaningful, motivating
Achievable - agreed, attainable
Realistic - reasonable, realistic and resourced, results-based
Timely - time-based, time limited, time/cost limited, timely, time-sensitive
Setting these goals will help you to clearly identify quality goals that you can show improvement on and feel a sense of accomplishment in the end!
- Focus on the Positives
Even the smallest bit of improvement is worth celebrating! You may not have lost your 5 pounds but you've lost 1! That's a step in the right direction.
- Weigh yourself only once per week. Do not weigh yourself everyday. You'll be able to see more of an improvement this way.
- Reach out to friends, family and even Y staff! They want to see you succeed. Schedule a Get Fit appointment. These are free wellness check in appointments that you schedule with our Wellness Advisores. Sign up at Member Services.
- If you do fall off, get back on. Don't give up all together. You still have progress to be made.