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Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolutions!

January 5, 2018
Men and women using running machines

Millions of Americans set resolutions at this time of year. I'm sure you've even got a few jotted down. You've made that first step, now let the YMCA help you keep those resolutions. Watch this clip from RTV-6 and check out the info below!

  1. Keep your ultimate goal in mind, but set small benchmark goals that you can achieve along the way.
  2. When you set goals, set  SMART goals

    Specific - simple, sensible, significant

    Measurable - meaningful, motivating

    Achievable - agreed, attainable

    Realistic - reasonable, realistic and resourced, results-based

    Timely - time-based, time limited, time/cost limited, timely, time-sensitive

    Setting these goals will help you to clearly identify quality goals that you can show improvement on and feel a sense of accomplishment in the end!

  3. Focus on the Positives

    Even the smallest bit of improvement is worth celebrating! You may not have lost your 5 pounds but you've lost 1! That's a step in the right direction.

  4. Weigh yourself only once per week. Do not weigh yourself everyday. You'll be able to see more of an improvement this way.
  5. Reach out to friends, family and even Y staff! They want to see you succeed. Schedule a Get Fit appointment. These are free wellness check in appointments that you schedule with our Wellness Advisores. Sign up at Member Services.
  6. If you do fall off, get back on. Don't give up all together. You still have progress to be made.


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