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Evie Learns About Water Safety at Swim Lessons Too

May 23, 2019

YMCA swim lessons are a regular—and fun—part of life for 5-year-old Evie. She began swim lessons at the Witham Family YMCA when she was three and is now quite the little swimmer.

“We love swim lessons here. This is the only place she’s taken lessons,” said Betsy, Evie’s grandmother.

Evie started with group lessons two years ago, and after several sessions Betsy switched her to private lessons for scheduling convenience. Betsy’s favorite thing about swim lessons at the Y:

“Water safety. For sure,” she says. “Not only can she swim, but she can tread water for at least 10 minutes now.”

Switching to private lessons

Since switching to private lessons, Betsy said that she has noticed that Evie’s strokes and technique have improved. Another perk that attracted Betsy and Evie to private lessons was the ability to focus on certain skills with her instructor.

Evie’s favorite part of swim lessons—jumping in to the water. Which is no surprise coming from this strong, young swimmer and Betsy agrees.

“It’s a good way for her to get exercise, but it's fun,” said Betsy. “She doesn’t even know she’s getting exercise.”

You can find Betsy and Evie swimming together regularly in the lap pool and at swim lessons. As Betsy put it so well, “There’s never a bad day at the pool!”

Water safety is a vital part of what we teach at the Y. Sign your child up for our next round of free Safety Around Water classes. Talk to you Center today for my information.

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Evie Learns About Water Safety at Swim Lessons Too

YMCA swim lessons are a regular – and fun – part of life for 5-year-old Evie. She began swim lessons at the Witham Family YMCA when she was three and is...

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