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The Benefits Of Volunteering At The Y After A Stroke

April 23, 2020

Pam PryuerPam Pryuer - Volunteering - Indy YMCA

A few years ago, Pam suffered a stroke. Continued exercise and activity, would be the key for her to retain as much mobility as she possibly could. Being at the Y has made a difference.

After the stroke, her pace of life was forced to slow down. But the stroke didn't slow down her charismatic personality. At least three days of the week, Pam comes to the Y for health benefits, she but stays for the social interactions. Those interactions eventually led her to volunteer at the front desk.

Pam Pryuer - Volunteering - Indy YMCABenefits of Volunteering

Slowly, Pam recognized some unexpected benefits of volunteering. Folding towels has helped with the consistent movement of the hand, bilateral integration of both hands, and integration of visual information with purposeful hand movement. Another helpful rehabilitation technique at the front desk was the repetitive exercise of answering the phone, checking in members, and pressing the button to let members enter.

“She grabs coffee, chats with everyone while in the Wellness Center, participates in the Book Club and volunteers at the front desk. She’s amazing. It’s a joy having her." – Marci, YMCA staff.

We’re More Than A Gym

Pam credits the Avondale Meadows YMCA for helping her with this new lifelong challenge she must face.

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The Benefits Of Volunteering At The Y After A Stroke

We’re More Than A Gym. Pam credits the Avondale Meadows YMCA for helping her with this new lifelong challenge she must face.

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