Up to four complimentary wellness appointments are available for members to meet with Y wellness advisors. These knowledgeable coaches will discuss your current skill level, likes and dislikes in the gym, your personal health goals and more. Using this information, they will introduce you to equipment in the Wellness Center and draw up a fitness plan to help you reach your health goals.
Committed to you!
Available to new and long-time members alike, Wellness Appointments provide the support and accountability needed to stick with a plan and meet your goals. Y Wellness Advisors create personalized plans for you and your unique health journey and connect you to Y programs and people who can help you along the way.
MobileFiT app allows easy scheduling
YMCA members are able to schedule appointments with a Y Wellness Advisory directly from their smartphone. Just download the MobileFiT app, open it, touch the menu button, and select “appointments” to find a convenient time to meet. The app will also help your track your progress.