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Small Group Training

a woman in a gym

Bring your membership to the next level!

Small Group Training includes unlimited access to all Small Group Training classes and all Performance classes. Members receive preferred rates.



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Small Group Training

The YMCA’s Small Group Training (SGT) Program is for people who want an extra edge in their training. Instructor “coaches” challenge small teams of 6 to 12 people to achieve a higher level of athleticism, endurance and stamina in a supportive, team environment. SGT can take your workouts to the next level, yet our instructors also modify workouts so that beginners will feel comfortable, too.

Y Members: $53 indiv.; $74 family | All Others: $94 per person

Trial also available: 20 days for $20 (limit 1-time per person)

Questions? Email us at personaltraining@indymca.org or talk with the Wellness Director at your local Y.

YMCA of Greater Indianapolis